
Palin has foreign policy experience because she met with Canada's Prime minister,are these people serious?

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Obama has met with every important world leader , she meets with Canadian prime minister one time, this makes her have foreign policy experience. Why dont people voting for Paldin admit she was picked because shes a milf? Or she was picked to get hillary supporters, she an affirmative action pick no more then that




  1. Saying Sarah Palin has foreign policy experience because she has met with Canada’s PM is quite a stretch.  An ever bigger stretch is saying that Barack Obama has foreign policy experience because he lived in Indonesia for four years when he was a child.  

    You say Obama has met with every important world leader.  Tell that to Vladimir Putin of Russia and Hu Jintao of China.  Or Maybe he doesn’t think they’re “important.”

    When a foreign leader receives a courtesy visit from a U.S. senator who happens to be a presidential cadidate, that doesn’t give the senator foreign policy experience.  At best, it gives him a photo op.  They may exchange views on certain ssues, but the foreign leaders aren’t going to provide the senator with any insights that are not already official public policy.  You and I can get the same “insights” by going to the countries’ web sites.

    Do Obama and his partisans think they can enhance his resume by claiming he has foreign policy experience because he played soccer in an alley in Jakarta and was received by a few foreign leaders?  If so, that’s pretty pathetic.  

    You can’t build your candidate up by trying to knock his opponent’s running mate down.  That just emphasizes how empty your candidate’s suit really is.  Obama is long on rhetoric but short on accomplishments.  If the best he can do when talking about his foreign policy credentials is say, “Well, ah, ah, I made a, ah, ah strategic decision to trash the qualifications of ah, ah my opponents vice presidential running mate!”  

    You seem to think that if Obama leaves a meeting to use the restroom, he will return with a degree in urology.  

    Why do you think some of the leaders of our adversaries have been kinder in their remarks about Obama than about McCain?  Do you really believe they prefer Obama because he is more reasonable and will work with them to make the world a safer place?  

    Given a choice, do you really think a hungry wolf will attack a sheep rather than a bull because he likes lamb better than beef?  

  2. They are dead serious, but the are deadly silent on her support of extreme anti abortion values.  She is so extreme, one should consider her a control freak.


    Here it is.

    As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama has made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. In August 2005, he traveled to Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan. The trip focused on strategies to control the world's supply of conventional weapons, biological weapons, and weapons of mass destruction as a first defense against terrorist attacks.[72] Following meetings with U.S. military in Kuwait and Iraq in January 2006, he visited Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian territories. At a meeting with Palestinian students two weeks before Hamas won the legislative election, Obama warned that "the U.S. will never recognize winning Hamas candidates unless the group renounces its fundamental mission to eliminate Israel."[73] He left for his third official trip in August 2006, traveling to South Africa, Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Chad. In a speech at the University of Nairobi, he spoke about political corruption and ethnic rivalries.[74] The speech touched off controversy among Kenyan leaders, some formally challenging Obama's remarks as unfair and improper, others defending his positions.[75]


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC








  3. You forget to realize that Canada is our greatest  foreign country problem now.  If we can learn to deal with those Canadians, we should have no problem with all our other foreign policy problems!

  4. It was definately a desperate and sad attempt at gaining the female vote and that of former Hillary supporters. But Hillary already directed her supporters in the right direction.

  5. When did BO "met with every important world leader"

    LAST MONTH on his "magic world wind tour", to PROMOTE HIMSELF to people like you...........

    Get real.

    Undecided- Independent.  

  6. I have no idea why she was chosen.  Who every heard of her before this pick except Alaskians?  Yes, he needed a woman but he would have been better with Kay Bailey Hutchinson or someone people know about.  Bad choice on his part.

  7. I also hear she knows Santa Claus, and she regularly corresponds with Jesus about Alaska-Heaven relations.

  8. McCain is already making dodgy decisions based on gaining disaffected Hillary supporters, rather than thinking what is best for the country and the American people...Can you imagine if something happened to McCain, then you would have someone with 18 months in office having control of America's nukes.  

  9. She is only on the ticket why so much hate?.......Obomba has "0" foreign policy experience and he is on the top of the ticket....this really shows the despotism of the Demoncrat party.

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