
Palin has more 'executive experience' than Obama?

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By that same standard she has more 'executive experience' than McCain also.

So can we drop the stupid transparent spin about 'executive experience' in regard to Palin's time as Mayor of a town of 5,000 people?




  1. It's idiotic. Repugs were the ones to first start ripping on Obama months ago for his "inexperience." Now we're not supposed to question the total and obvious inexperience of HIS vice-presidential pick, "executive experience" or not. More brainless hypocrisy. Running the entire diverse frickin' United States is not like running half-empty Alaska.

  2. Actually, she doesn't.

    Executive experience includes being a military commander, which is great for eventually becoming the commander in chief.

    McCain has a couple decades as an officer and an air boss.

  3. The Republicans are talking about dumping McCain now and putting Giuliani on the ticket.

  4. Obama doesn't even qualify to have executive experience with his wife. When he tries to tell her what to do she tells him to go brush his teeth cause he has bad breath!

  5. Palin is Governor. obama is a do nothing junior senator

  6. I bet you cant even balance you check book, or keep a budget..

  7. if executive experience mattered much at all... we would be talking about Mitt Romney instead of John McCain right now...

  8. do you know how many elections tickets with no executive experience have won?


  9. Seven months before Palin was picked, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David S. Broder wrote:

    "It was fascinating to watch the three top contenders for the Democratic nomination discuss their concept of the presidency during Tuesday night's MSNBC debate in Las Vegas. But it was also stunning to realize that the three current and former senators who have survived the shakeout process -- Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards -- have not a day of chief executive experience among them.

    "By contrast, the Republican field is loaded with people who are accustomed to being in charge of large organizations. Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee were governors of their states of Massachusetts and Arkansas, Rudy Giuliani served as the mayor of New York, and John McCain, as he likes to remind audiences, commanded the largest squadron in the Navy air wing."

    John McCain's executive experience comes from commanding the largest squadron in the Navy air wing. Sarah Palin's executive experience comes from being not just a mayor, but also the governor of Alaska.

  10. John McCain's Command:  

    "McCain had his flight status reinstated, and in 1976 he became commanding officer of a TRAINING squadron stationed in Florida"

    He ain't exactly Wesley Clark or Colin Powell, OK fellas?  He was a POW and if he were infantry instead of a pilot, then he would have never been a POW, he would instead be a KIA.  

    McCain has as much commander in chief experience as my buddy Charles who served in Iraq I.

    As far as Palin, she has all the experience you could expect from a politician who is from a state OWNED by BIG Oil.

  11. semantics , i just wanna see her speak in tongues.

  12. Okay, but we keep the executive experience she got as a governor  

  13. She does have more executive experience than McCain.  That's not disputed.  So what's your question?

  14. She is and has been the GOVERNER of Alaska...not just a mayor.  

    Obama won't even salute the American Flag or put his hand over his heart  or put the flag on his airplane.   It looks like an ATT logo. Actions speak louder than words.  

       He will Have to raise taxes a LOT to pay for the Socialized health care and other "programs".   Nothing is free.

    He gets the credit But  WE are the ones who Pay$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

      Plus, he is known for being the most Liberal Senator in Congress and would appoint Liberals to the Supreme Court.    

  15. Very transparent...

    They need to quit with the "stop attacking Palin or you're sexist" garbage as well. The same people, including Palin, attacked Hillary with the same garbage. Now they want to use their hypocrisy on the Democrats.

    More spin, less talks on issues...

    Obama 08

  16. Can we stop the dissing of her being a mayor of a town of 5,000 people? Talking about it as if she were a scout leader of 10 9 year olds? Being the mayor of a small town is like being a community organizer with real responsibilities and real authority. You don't like the spin; stop the trashing.

  17. No because the one term senator likes to talk about Palin's experience so much but he doesn't like it when people question his. Wait a min? Isn't palin at the bottom of the ticket. ohoho boy.

  18. Yeah when you can drop the spin that Mccain is the same as Bush....

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