
Palin has more executive experience than Obama, so why are libs knocking her "lack of experience"?

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Obama has spent a total of 143 days on the Senate floor.

Meanwhile, Palin has been the "chief executive" of a state for two years.

She also oversaw a budget surplus, and returned the money to the hard-working people of the state of Alaska.

The way I see it, Palin has accomplished more in her time as Alaska's governor, than Obama has in the Senate.

Says something when the Republican VICE PRESIDENTIAL candidate brings more to the table than the Democrat PRESIDENTIAL candidate does!





  1. Because she's a pro-life Conservative, and she goes against everything Libs stand for -including Reform..

  2. Excellent question!  I agree one hundred and ten percent with what you are saying.  It is so pleasant to actually see a post where someone has actually done their research.

    The libs are knocking her because she is the only candidate in this entire race that has any experience running a state.  That should be a pre-requisite for anyone running for the presidency of The United States.

    You are so correct.  Palin has accomplished more in her time as Alaska's governor than I will say in  Obama's has entire lifetime.  Doesn't he have the reputation for voting present?  My child could vote present.  That man has not made any decisions on any bills, because he is afraid that his decision may come back to haunt him.  He has been changing his mind in this campaign, depending on whichever way the political wind is blowing.

    LOL!  Yes, it does say something when the VP Republican candidate has the experience that the Democrat Presidential candidate totally lacks.  Obama is an empty suit, full of hot air.  He couldn't change a tire, let alone our country.  Obama is the original more of the same government.  Palin is a go getter and she does not back down.  No government antics for her.  Palin is a brilliant choice.  The Republicans just won The White House.

  3. You had to know that anybody McCain would have picked was going to cause an avalanch of liberal frenzy. They are just one mass of mania ever since the news was out, I'm hoping they will have a total melt down when McCain wins in Nov.

  4. palin hardly has any expirence, she said the most challenging thing she did as mayor was make sure there was enough snow for dog races. mccain just chose her for publicity.

  5. Please define what is "Executive Experience?" Yesterday it was Political Experience, suddenly we are differentiating and breaking experience into pieces...what a joke and double standard!!!

  6. Well--I am backing Obama-but also am more content now if he doesnt get it--the Vp for McCain is a newbie to Washington--why is everyone so hung up on "experience"--I want a real person to lead us--not someone who has to answer to the "pork" and the favors they owe.  But Biden has a lot to offer--he has shown alot for his family values as has Palin--should be interesting--I think with both VP picks we are better off.

  7. Because the dems are pretty much screwed,  all they are changing is from happy little socialists back to bummed out starving artists...

  8. Have you never heard the expression "It's not how much you have, it's what you do with it"?

  9. Yea, Obama may want to reframe from bashing Palin with issues that will backfire on him.  He who lacks the experience to lead the Country only after 143 days in the Senate, and voting present on each bill presented to him.  For Goodness sake he could not even make up his mind on simple issues, what about issues that arise at 3am....... I vote McCain/Palin for the sake of America's well being.  

  10. They have to have some reason to oppose her (isn't politics great?) until they can find more damaging stuff about her (if there is any) - This nomination was a complete surprise and the dems are pretty shook by it - it'll level off,

    I think she is a great choice and we will see what she is about in the debate with Biden. I bet she does well!

  11. Exactly!  Bi Bi Obama and take Joe with you!  McCain-Palin is the ticket for America!  A bold and brilliant choice that McCain made today!  

  12. She has great foreign policy experience too, being from Alaska, which is near Russia

  13. What about international dealings?

    In this day and age, you need someone with international experience as well, and she appears to be weak in that category

    Also, she is a governor, so let us be careful flinging around that "chief executive" title and call her by her proper title

  14. You are soooo right! I think I love you! I have been saying that she seems to be a really good person and to tell you the truth I think I would have voted for her for president not just VP. She is successful, seems nice, has a nice family, and seems to have more womanly qualities than almost all the other women politicians I have seen. I think she will be great and I support her. I like the fact she is for drilling but sees it only as a stop gap until we can get a better fuel on line. She taxed the oil companies who made outrageous profits and gave it back to the people of Alaska in the form of rebates. Now if she is not a big spender I would say she is perfect. I am for her.  

  15. In addition she earned her experience by fighting against the political machine that exists in this country.  She won her Mayor seat and GAVE HERSELF A PAY CUT.  When is the last time you ever heard that out of a politician???  She won her Governorship based on a record of fighting corruption WITHIN HER OWN PARTY!  She also fought against oil companies in Alaska to help protect the resources and secure proper compensation for her state and its residents.  A Governor is a chief executive who deals with all aspects of government, not just sitting in the peanut gallery debating legislation.  A Governor also has to be able to deal with issues at all levels of government, including national and international while trying to secure business and trade for their state.  I thought she would be a good pick back in June when she was interviewed by Glenn Beck.  Glad McCain made the choice.

  16. I really doubt you care about who has or doesn't have experience. You just care that experience is the buzz word that the media's been using.

    And now executive is the only type of experience that counts.  Like an executive MBA is the only MBA?  get real.

  17. who are you kidding she was quote saying what does a VP do on the radio to night there already at her , he gave up the republicans with his pick she has no  experiance to be President if McCain kicks the bucket  and at his age he might do that. So funny

  18. You go GF-----they can't silence us anymore. While Obama voted 'present' Sarah Palin often times crossed party lines to keep big oil and other special-interest groups in check----a strong proven leader----and it makes them angry as all get out we have found a winning team!

  19. Because people have the us against them attitudes. It really does work both ways. Humans, who labeled themselves Democrats have been talking junk about McCain being in a POW camp Conservative humans question Obamas patriotism.I don't remember any other election where a candidates patriotism was questioned.  My opinion,anybody running for president,doesn't  do it with our best interests in mind. But it sure does work out well for them{that we argue about everything}

  20. Because they have nothing else to say.  All they've been saying for 1.5 years is CHANGE and EXPERIENCE IS BAD.  Then they nominate Joe Biden and are suddenly dissing republicans for trying to include a woman on the ticket when they refused to do it themselves.  I never liked Obama all along, and as a Hillary supporter, will vote McCain because even though I don't really like Palin, I can learn to deal with her and do also believe that at least she has executive experience to run a state that is 100 miles away from communist russia well.  

  21. As an Illinois resident...the lack of experience on Obama's behalf is apparent around this state.  His "political" mentor is Emil Jones and he's a half wit himself.  You know what their solution to reduce this states budget deficit???  Casinos and Speed Cameras!  Are you kidding me?  Bring it on...the fact don't lie!

  22. don't forget PTA pres. if anyone has every been involved knows that is a hard job with out pay. very time consuming.

    the libs are scared because she is what they aren't

    a true and proud american

  23. Sarah Palin:

    City Council Member


    Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

    Governor of Alaska

    Barack Hussein Obama:

    Community Organizer

    State Senator

    U.S. Senator (during which he spent most of his time campaigning for president).

    It looks like Palin has Obama beat. And of course, Palin is running for Vice President, which isn't as important as President.

  24. The libs are terrified they try to see themselves as the tolerant party. McCain has the courage to pick a great woman for VP so they will do anything to destroy her. Obviously the tolerant party is not so tolerant. You are right executive experience far outweighs a professional voter.

  25. Shes pro-life..And PRO GUN... Does thatm ake any sense?

    She has no Experience because she uses her children as a excuse to be VP.

    And does nothing but Praise McCain, She does nothing but Talk about McCain and how much of a great guy he is..

    Obama though, Knows what is going on In America today, And will fix it. And your ignorant head..

  26. Semper Fi you are stupid, pro life is the protecting of the innocent unborn, pro gun is the protecting of my family in my house.

  27. She has no foreign policy experience, and her political experience is nothing to speak of.  

  28. Palin is the only one of the four candidates to have executive experience. The other 3 - McCain, Biden, and Obama - have legislative experience.

    Palin has held elective office for 13 years - far longer than Obama. Palin has more accomplishments and more significant accomplishments in office that Obama. She has a reputation for exposing and eradicating corruption. Obama has a reputation for being caught up as a participant in corruption and questionable activity.

    Palin is more qualified to be president than Obama.

  29. Oh how tres typic.

    Even I have more experience than Obama!

    I will NOT vote for the Anti-Christ!

  30. Obama has been in his current office since January 4, 2005.  Palin has been in her office since December 4, 2006.  PALIN HAS BEEN IN HER OFFICE LESS THAN HALF THE TIME OBAMA HAS.  Definitely bearing false witness against your neighbor, so typically Republican.

    Palin was "chief executive" of the smallest population and smallest budget state in the US.  CHICAGO is bigger than Alaska is both population and budget.

    But I would vote for Sarah Palin LONG before I would George-er-I-mean John McCain.

  31. their just mad that they don't hold the "CHANGE" card anymore.  they want to knock her on something. she's way more than qualified.  

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