
Palin has no foreign policy experience ?

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No experience with the economy ...

She's pro Big Oil

Wants to giveaway ANWR to oil companies.

Her husband works for British Petroleum...(BP)

Only 8 years of working in government period...

She has no official stance on most issues facing America right now..

It's like McCain got a list of all Republican women in government and reached into a hat.... who even heard of this lady until today ?

How does this help/hurt McCain ?




  1. Yeah, I know, shes perfect.

    Obama only has 148 days experience

  2. And your point? Is there a question in there? McCain is the presidential nominee. McCain has more experience than the Dem ticket combined including foreign policy. It helps McCain balance his ticket and apparently it is really irking the Dems considering the absurd questions.

  3. Neither does Obama. That's why he chose Biden. Interestingly, McCain DOES have that experience.

    Many, many Democrats in office right now have huge amounts of oil stocks that they don't want you to know about, including Pelosi, the Clintons, and even Al Gore. What's your point?

    Yes, I've heard of her before today. She's the Alaskan governor who doesn't take any c**p from the liberals who wants drilling in ANWR and who's had studies done by scientists to show that it will not harm the animals in any way.

    We know your worried---and you should be.

  4. I think he did this so he can make history first woman VP

    Just trying to out do Obama.

  5. One big error in your question, she took on big oil and won.

  6. Republicans know that they need the women vote.  They didn't look for who would help the President the most the way Obama did, they looked for who could help them win an election.....  so much for country first.

  7. I think oil is running McCain's campaign.  That's why he's been lobbying so hard for oil drilling the past few weeks and that's why he has Palin on his ticket.

  8. It is like a Monty Python skit

  9. All these Pubbies care about now is that she's "hot". Good Lord, are we in big trouble

  10. Neither does Obama - your sexism is showing!

  11. And Obama does? According to Obama followers after the "Old" washington pick of Biden, the VP slot doesn't matter. Why the change? She has more executive experience than Obama, council woman, mayor & governor, what does Obama have? Community organizer, voting present on a few bills? That's all I have, you have more? Her husband belongs to the union & works on an oil rig. Please do a little research before running at the mouth.

  12. Nope, she has the same foreign policy experience as Obama and he wants to be President..

    She also has executive experience and had to cosider economic issues that affected her state.  Drilling in ANWR=good and I couldn't care less who her husband works for..

  13. Why does she need foreign policy experience, McCain has plenty and Obama has none. She pro oil, not pro big oil. If oil is so bad, stop driving man. We need oil and we have to get it somehow, so don't act like anyone with anything to do with oil is bad.

    Her husband is an Eskimo, so he is off-limits to talk about.

    She is a young McCain. She is against pork barrel spending, she shut down the "Bridge to Nowhere." And lay off the pretty girl!

  14. U.S. Foreign policy = kowtowing to the Saudis.  That's all a Republican needs to know to be an expert in foreign policy.

  15. Ha ha!  I bet you never even heard of her before today!  Why dont you try getting to know her before you pass judgement on her.

    How rich.  Obama supporters taking her on for her "lack of experience"  Keep in mind, she has more executive experience than anyone else running.

  16. This whole elections has me twitching and a little worried about the state of the nation. Palin spent most of her career being the mayor of a city of 9,000 people, Obama's career is mostly being on the back bench of legislation district. Biden had to quit his Pres. candidacy in 1988 after he admitted he had plagiarized his speeches. McCain has had his fair share of problems too, and honestly I do see a lot of George W. in him and his ideals. These may seem like small problems to some of you, but in all seriousness are these really what we are left with. I know the country was so excited to have a chance for a black man and a women to be our President, I was excited at that idea also. But I think that we got so excited, and caught up with that idea that we forgot to make choices on what was best for our own welfare. I don't want to make these candidates seem like bad people or bash their integrity or patriotism like so many people see fit to do. I just hope whoever comes out on top can actually lead the country in the right direction. I'm not gonna make a choice based on Republican and Democrat, or Black-White, Man-Women. For my own well-being and that of my friends and family I will make my choice by actually reading about the candidates, studying their character, watching their passion, and making sure they're in this race for us. I suggest you all do the same, for your own sake.  

  17. You left out the fact that she sold an Alaskan natural gas pipeline to a Canadian company.

  18. Palin has more experience running a government than both Biden and Obama! They have no executive experience. Go McCain/Palin 2008!!

  19. She has more experienced than Obama in every category, other than pushing the 'Present' button.

  20. McCain must be thinking that his female VP could get support from Clinton's die-hard supporters.

  21. Palin=Obama when it comes to International Affairs

    I vote for the Pres. anyway.

    She is very smart and will have an impact when it comes to women voters...


  22. And your point is?

    Most don't have foreign policy experience the people who deal with foreign policy don't normally run for President. Presidents have people who deal with  foreign policy that they confer with.

  23. (1) let's get serious this show the lack of judgment on McCain part.(2)Palin is no Hillary Clinton she only been a Governor for 2 years and we are talking about Alaska where the wild life out number the peoples 20 to 1.(3) i would not feel comfortable having Palin running this country in a case where something happening to McCain .3) Palin is under a ethic investigation .4) We know that Biden is ready to lead on day one if something ever happen to Obama. I personally think McCain just handed the presidency to OBAMA.

    ps. Palin dose have a large family 5 childrens who are at the darft age  so McCain could have his little army right there lol

  24. I've been tracking her and Romney for the last 6 months. She's an excellent pick and puts a pitchfork thru Obama's infantcide argument, since she has a baby that would have been killed by another family.

    I am excited to have her as a president; she has 5 kids and has great conservative values. Give me a break about the experience! Obama, McCain, and Biden all don't have executive experience. At least he knows that he has a huge advantage by having governor experience.

    McCain/Palin 2008

    By the way, I'm pro-choice!!!!

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