
Palin impressive but as a woman, HOW did she deliver that speech in those damned heels?

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Do you think that she is strong enough to deal?

She seems it.

Will she drop the s**y act when the votes are cast?

Was she always that impractical, to be s**y for office?

Yes, I am female, I am s**y, and I am in love with my man.

I'm not your hair, nails and make-up type, even though I'm from Long Island.

So, I just could not focus entirely on what she was saying.

Ouch, that has to be hurting, right?

Do we trust a woman who is all about appearance, even to the point of standing on cramped toes for more than half an hour, with such important office?

If she can't be practical now, how will she traverse the globe running ambassador errands and span the nation's Continental 48?

We NYC people know that sneaks are the ONLY way to handle travel between bus and train and plane!

Come on, Palin, get REAL!




  1. Where are the issues?  Other than talking about Obama and making some mistakes.  She said she did more as a Mayor.  Well what?

    She sounded immature.  Just plain immature although she did deliver the speech well.  There was far less content which seems to be all the Republicans have to offer.  I think having her children up there was nice but I thought the baby was over the top.  Children that age belong in bed not on display. That really bothered me.  

  2. I am an Obama supporter who happens to be a woman. I also liked sneakers. However plenty of women can where heels all day. I have several friends who are attorneys and they never take their heels off.

    Lets stick to the issues. Are we really saying that senators are not qualified to be Presidents? That is an interesting question.  

  3. Are you nuts? Should she have showed up in sweats and running  shoes? She's running for VP of the freakin country! You don't think she should dress the part? What is wrong with YOU? Should a rep of our country show up in jeans when THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING???????

    If you want to BE like everyone else then ACT like everyone else. If you want to bBE a LEADER then ACT LIKE ONE!

  4. no, you get real.

  5. lol, i never got heels for women.  she makes herself look very attractive, no matter what she wears.

    she has a great message and a feminine touch to strong American values.  she is hot and conservative.  

    be still my beating heart.

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