
Palin is Anti-g*y and pro-life.....?

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for those of you who totally supprort g*y rights and are pro-life how do you feel about that?




  1. How can you be anti g*y when peoplea re born the way they are? She has a kid with should we all be Anti Down too? Pro-life? Thats just stupid.

  2. That is why I think they must be on some type of dope.  From what I understand they think with this move they will get the pro-life voters.  I just don't see many American's supporting that.  

  3. yup, isnt she lovely??  

  4. It's no problem. Even though McCain picked a woman because he thinks women are clueless and will vote for ANY woman, he's going to lose the election so it really doesn't matter.

  5. america wasn't founded on q****s and abortions.

  6. I am completely against same s*x marriage and those "couples" being able to adopt and am completely pro-life and I could not be happier that she believes what I believe...but most of all she is pro-American that is what is the greatest thing of all.

  7. So?

  8. She is not anti-g*y,only against same s*x marriages,she has supported many g*y right practices and issues against discrimination in Her state.(get your facts together!)

  9. Log Cabin Republicans (g*y republicans) came out with a statement about Sarah Palin on their website.  They seem to consider her a advocate to their cause.

  10. Because of her decision to have her son Trig, she's going to hammer Biden during the debate when the question of abortion comes up.

  11. I too am pro-life, but I am for g*y rights. I have a grandson adopted by two g*y men, and they are a part of my family, and I love them for who they are. It really doesn't bother me as long as she is against abortion, that is important to me. I believe every one is intitled to their own beliefs. Democrat for John McCain 2008.

  12. Well the pro-life stance is very irritating.

    But I wouldn't call her anti-g*y.  She has many g*y friends and is comfortable with their lifestyle.  Sure, she opposes g*y marriage, but there are a lot worse anti-g*y people that McCain could have picked.

    In addition, she knows when laws are constitutional or not, and whether or not to interfere, which has helped Alaska pass a few pro-g*y laws without her vetoing.  

    She's more concerned with being constitutional and a true Republican, in respect to limited government, than being a bigot.

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