
Palin is clean and has more credibility to be president than OBAMA. Agree?

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WOW the OBAMA lovers are angry people, can't even answer a question without cursing.




  1. Clean or dirty, I doubt she has any more dirt in her past than the comedy team of Biden/Obama.

  2. h**l no... She is in charge of  Alaska  people... I don't believe she her credibility at all. She needs way more eperience. She is a governor.

  3. No

  4. Right on. Clean and articulated and proud of her gender and race.

  5. Disagree strongly. You don't know her yet, but her skeletons will soon come out.

  6. Agree.  She cut her own pay, while Obama is busy spending millions on extravagant speeches.  It speaks for itself.  She is what Obama might have been if he wasn't corrupted by politics.

  7. Well, Palin is not the presidential candidate, McCaine is, so I don't see that it matters.

    And I disagree, I think she's a Godzilla *****. It's absolutely appaling that she took the risk of getting pregnant at age 43, KNOWING that there is a greater chance of birth defects and Down syndrome when the mother is that age. Then she pops out a genetically defective kid, while blowing off a moose's head, and instantly gets this pristine, noble image. I think it's sickening that she got pregnant and brought a child like that into the world, just to appeal to voters.That's why I don't think she is a good candidate for vice president.

    As for the cursing, they're just words. Get over it.  

  8. Umm I don't see any cursing. Unless you consider h**l a curse word.

    Clean, how do you know she is clean? More credible? How?

  9. Clean?  Why is she under invesitgation in her state for abuse of power?

  10. She is under investigation, so she couldn't be that clean.  Look mom, no cursing!

  11. ...Palin is not clean, she is under investigation by the Alaskan Congress as we speak.  She is really a complete joke...McCain met her ONE time...

  12. The jury is still out on that question because people are just starting to learn about Palin. So, no I don't agree at this point in time. Even if she is proven to be clean and credibility that can't take away from the fact the Obama is clean and credibility as well.

  13. Absolutely.  

  14. No. Please only use yahoo answers to answer and ask actual questions in the future.

  15. You missing the fact she's under investigation at the moment and had citizens trying to recall her once before for arbitary firings?

  16. Palin is a refreshing new figure in American politics..

    I cannot wait for her to be the first female VP, then the first female President 8 years from now.

  17. Certainly.  No links to terrorists or mentally deficient pastors =]

    McCain '08

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