
Palin needs to practice what McCain Preaches, Yes or No?

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Bristol sure isn't! McCain preaches abstinence. Bristol sure isn't abstinent.




  1. that is a non issue in politics. who gives a s h i t what her daughter does? does her not controlling her daughters v****a 24 hours a day make her a bad parent? KIDS HAVE s*x. oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! get over it people.

  2. Palin can do whatever she wants.  She's married.

    As for Bristol, if you make McCain the authority, you are dooming her and everybody else.  You can't take your morals from mankind...which set would you choose?  

    Makes more sense to say Bristol needs to practice what God says...and that is abstinence...until marriage.  

    I'd guess about 85% of the kids these days are not abstaining...dems and reps!  So, I don't think you can make much of any point by picking on Bristol.  That's illogical.

    Hate the sin, love the sinner.  That's pretty good advice I think.  I have made mistakes...I bet you have also.

    What is the relevance of your comment - I didn't think Bristol was running for office.

    Dawg- are you saying that McCain and Palin can't talk because of what Bristol did? if you are related to anybody that is not perfect, you can't talk either...I guess I can't either...don't judge somebody for another's mistakes.  That's crazy.

  3. You are right.


    They have no right to preach morals since they don't have any.

  4. Bristol is NOT Sarah or McCain.........

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