
Palin on US Oil issues?

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Palin believes that oil drilling is the only solution to our energy problems.

Palin rejects clean renewable energy that is an alternative to oil.

Why she change her tone since becoming on the VP ticket?




  1. she hasn't, she was just reading words written by someone else

  2. You are flat out wrong. Your liberal link is not correct, do some research on other sites to get a picture of the truth, not what you want to hear.

    She is for every kind of energy source we have available and wants to encourage more. Apparantly you did not listen to her the other night did you?

  3. She is being told what to say none of these are her own issues. here is Barack Obamas plan for the energy crisis.

  4. Well, of course she does. She's trying to promote a pipeline in her state. She's just trying to get money to Alaska.

  5. Actually she, in her speech, discussed  all types of energy plans, non-renewable and renewable. She is an active advocate for more drilling off Alaska, off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and in the off-limits Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Her governorship was sponsored by BP.

    She pushed for more competition for the construction of a $26 billion pipeline to bring natural gas from the North Slope to the lower 48 states by favoring the TransCanada pipeline project, backed by independent companies over one proposed by BP and ConocoPhillips. She has tangled with Exxon Mobil and other oil companies over their reluctance to develop gas fields on state land.

    It's going to be a controversial issue.

  6. She's just another "Borrow and Spend" Republican...

  7. Because she is a hypocrite.  

  8. idk why anyone believes in her, her 17 yr old is knocked up and will be a b*****d, should we follow her lead? dont think so, so im sure she has no idea about any drilling or anything else for that matter!

  9. She's changed alot of her stances since getting on the ticket. Kind of like her bridge to nowhere. That whole speech was riddled with bull-faced lies. Flip-flopping- all politicians do it, just some more than others.  

  10. John McCain Confirms America's WAR for OIL Policy!  

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