
Palin pick- Does it show that McCain is indeed a "maverick" or a dangerous "loose cannon"?

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Her performance in the next two months will tell the tale.




  1. It shows that Obama promises change, and McCain delivers it.

  2. I hope Palin doesn't falter during the debates like Obama will.

  3. Which ever at least he is not a socialist

  4. i resent people using my name like that

  5. Shows he thinks women are so stupid we'll all flock to the Republicans because there's a v****a on the ticket.

    If he'd actually picked someone with economic experience it might be different.  This pick was moronic.

  6. Palin's pick shows that McCain and Palin are not good Christian parents.  A good Christian mother stays at home and takes care of her children, especially when she has a 4-month year old baby with down syndrome who needs all of her love and attention.  Palin is setting a bad example for Christian families, and John McCain is helping her do that.  Shame on you John McCain and Sarah Palin.

  7. Very bad judgment on his part. He is obviously doing this for the votes, not for the country.

    McCain first, country second.

  8. like it is said in Football a great “hail mary” move… great moment in history … the first female VP will be Republican..THEN the first female president will be also Republican ..her!

    .she has DONE things that Obama dreams of doing.... like against after her OWN party on corruption.…when if EVER obama has done the same in the highly corrupt Democrat party uh?...I say she is more for change than obama is...she has DONE it! Look it up!

  9. It's silly to think McCain picked her all by himself.  The VP candidate is always picked by party strategists to balance the ticket or attract some demographic they need.  They always say the presidential candidate made the pick so he can look 'presidential'.  (The exception was d**k Cheney who headed the committee to find Bush a VP and who then picked himself!)

    McCain was a 'loose canon' in 2000 and the party destroyed him with a vicious smear campaign. So then he became a 'team player'.  The choice of Palin was an act of desperation, a Hail Mary play by the party to try to get the Christian Right back in their corner.   And she was very likely not their first pick.  AND the announcement of the choice was strategically timed to push Obama off the front page.

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