
Palin pick a bad choice? Since Obama is over 50% approval?

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  1. Yes!

  2. Convention approval......and polls only really show the opinions of those asked...everyone i know has fell in love with sarah, some are switching their vote...

    in the "sophiepoll" it's 95% approval of Sarah and John can come along too.....

  3. Some of that is convention bounce, but yeah, Palin and her closet full of skeletons seem to have turned off more voters than she brought in.

  4. Lets see what they look like after the convention which a lot of top Republicans refuse to appear at.

  5. McCain's pick of Palin for VP is absolutely disastrous. Most of his campaign strategy was focused on Obama's lack of experience. And what does McCain do? Pick a 2 year governor of a state with a population of 600,000!

  6. All parties get a bounce after their convention. You can see the Obama bounce going from 44 to 49 percent just after the Aug 24 line. The graph only shows the first day of the Republican convention.

    I expect the Republican share to increase at the end of the week, but since Palin was announced just before the Aug 31 line, it seems like Republican voters aren't convinced of her, at least not yet -- she's virtually unknown.

  7. Palin's a terrible choice. It show's McCain's lack of judgment and hasty decision making tendencies.

    My biggest complaint is her willingness to trust ideology over science. She also has a terrible track record on the environment. I'm Republican but I can't bring myself to vote for either of them.

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