
Palin "IS" the least experienced candidate to ever run in a presidential election ? Are the Historians wrong ?

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Or does the right wing media train have it's Head up it's caboose as usual... Do you people ever tell the truth ?




  1. Are they wrong?  It should be easy to prove, just name one presidential candidate with less experience than Sarah Palin.  Of course, to limit arguments, we would probably need an objective measure of experience.  Do we only count time spent in office, or does volunteer community work count as well?  Are experiences in other aspects of a person's life relevant?  Are different kinds of experiences equally relevant, or do some count more than others?

  2. The article is absolutely correct. Even Dan Quayle, imbecile that he is, had more experience and qualifications to run for VP. McCain must be out of his mind to pick this chick

  3. No, they have never had any interest in the truth.

  4. Overall I think Obama has just a little less experience.  But remember he is the presidential candidate.  She is a vice presidential candidate

  5. Obama is the least experienced candidate to run.  The Obambot historians forgot that one.  She is not running.  She was chosen to be McCain's VP. Geez,I should be called a scholar. I know more then them.

  6. Actually, Elizabeth Dole is the least experienced person I can remember running in a Presidential election.

    Obama is the least experienced to ever be on a major party ticket.  I seem to recall the Obama followers thinking experience to be unimportant yesterday morning.

    The fact that you don't want to hear it doesn't make it untruthful.

  7. What Historians?.... and yes you and they are wrong... Obama has that distinction hands down... (unless you include training in the sleaze of Chicago Politics as "experience")

  8. Obama has no experience running anything.  Palin has experience running a town and a state.

  9. yes..the founding fathers had almost none, lincoln sure didn't,teddy roosevelt,truman. among many others. No one can teach you to be a leader,you either are or you aren't and no amount of experience is going to make you a good one.

  10. Yes, of course the Historians and other experts are absolutely correct.

    McCain is willing to risk having that unqualified lady become commander in chief in these troubled times just to win a few votes. Can anyone seriously argue she'll be ready on day one should that be necessary?

    Is that country first? Risking the future of America's children to pick up some female voters? What an insult to the intelligence of the good American people.

  11. Tactical masterstroke that the lesser players don't see yet.

    Checkmate in 2.

    Obama and the gang are playing checkers...McCain is playing chess.

    I can't stand wither one, but the Obamaites got burned and they won't realize just how bad of a burn it is right away.

    This is the republican rope-a-dope.   Don't understand.....then you sholdn't play the game.  

  12. Since Obama is a US Senator and sits on these powerful  committees:

        *   Foreign Relations

        * Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

        * Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

        * Veterans' Affairs

    the people who are naming him are willfully blowing smoke.

    Yes, Palin is the least experienced.  The experience she does have is governing a small town and a small population state for a short time - and she is enveloped in scandal over abuse of power even a small-town commissioner.

  13. Wrong..

    That would be Obama..

    Its interesting to see that todays talking points that the leftist blogs have placed  have no more merit that the Mindless dribble posted here yesterday...

    Sarah Palin exposes Obama for the fraud he is.. PERIOD

    Its interesting that denial is now an official DNC tactic.. But I guess it was all along.

  14. Actually W. Bush is the least experienced candidate to ever run.  Governor of texas?  What a joke.  I'm from texas and I can tell you that the governor is a puppet position.  The true power lies in the hands of the lieutenant governor.

    Before that he was the General Manager of the Texas Ranger baseball team.  Signed A-rod to a contract that was worth more than the team itself.  We are still paying the Yankee's for taking his contract.

    Before that he owned an oil company that was notorious for drilling dry wells.  It was supported by the Saudi's, bin Ladin family...  any of this sound familiar?

    Am I wrong?

  15. These so called historians gave Obama a free pass and I 'm going to take their word.  LOL!

  16. Sorry, but Obama is the least experienced candidate ever to run for office. Palin is just McCain's pick for his VP.

  17. You know what, I don't care what "scholars" have to say, I care about the real world.  And by the way, Obama is less qualified than her and now all of a sudden experience counts.  What a bunch of hypocrites.

    Update:  After reading this article, the McCain campaign issued the following statement: "The authors quote four scholars attacking Gov. Palin's fitness for the office of Vice President. Among them, David Kennedy is a maxed out Obama donor, Joel Goldstein is also an Obama donor, and Doris Kearns Goodwin has donated exclusively to Democrats this cycle. Finally, Matthew Dallek is a former speech writer for d**k Gephardt. This is not a story about scholars questioning Governor Palin's credentials so much as partisan Democrats who would find a reason to disqualify or discount any nominee put forward by Senator McCain."

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