
Palin said Iraq war is Gods will for the USA, should we run scared?

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So does that mean that the lies and theft of billions going on is irrelevant and not the real purpose of this faked out scam war.

to her naive mind.




  1. I saw a little of that 'speech' too.  Holy c**p, were in for a lot of trouble.!

  2. i guess if she got up there and said it was ok for Hussein to kill 10.000 people and to let women abort at 8 months and she supported g*y and lizzy marriage you would cheer. but thank god not obama Hussein that she is intelligent

  3. She stated it as Gods will? Wow how many wars do we need to have because of religion. :(

  4. stupid atheists

  5. Be afraid, be very afraid. The woman is not fit for public office, I would not even want her as Dog Catcher, she would most likely, shoot them.

  6. this is the problem with people. they dont research the context of soemthing that made them outraged.

    "Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God,"..."That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

    it is not the war that is a task fthat is from God as your badly researched link states.  know the context of your quote first pls.

    She's a Christian, it was a speech in a church. what did you expect it to be, God d**n AMERICA! oh.. that's the other canidate's preacher.

    and the pipeline comment isnt true either. put the use of 'God' in context pls.

  7. Try anything to smear, hey.

  8. She thinks God wants a $30 Billion pipeline in Alaska, too. Rather short-sighted of the big guy. I would've thought someone who is supposed to be as wise as him would be pushing for getting off oil completely.

    Hey flyhock,

    how is this "I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that" taken out of context? Ill put up the whole freaking paragraph.

    "I can do my part in doing things like working really, really hard to get a natural gas pipeline, a $30 billion dollar project that's going to create a lot of jobs for people in Alaska, and we're going to have a lot of energy flowing through here -- and pray about that also -- I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she told them, "but I can do my job there, in developing our natural resources, and doing things like getting the roads paved, and making sure our troopers have their cop cars and their uniforms, their guns, and making sure our public schools are funded. But really, all that stuff doesn't do any good if the people of Alaska's heart isn't right with God."

    Hmmm, still sounds to me like she thinks gods will is for her to build a pipeline through Alaska. Could be the section where she says "I think GOD'S WILL HAS TO BE DONE in unifying people and companies TO GET THAT GAS LINE BUILT"

  9. We should not run scared, we should use our right to vote for those who would represent all people of these United States instead of only those who are conservative Christians...we are supposed to have a government that is for the people, by the people and of the people.  Leave the fanatic rehetoric for those who we are being told are our terrorist enemies.  

  10. america brought terrorists to iraq

    ask american soldiers they will tell how they r ordered to let borders open n thy cut te electricity off the ppl

    all designed by bush to get some oil in the account of innocents Iraqies + young soldiers

    american cant run

    usa should make things better n make it safe b4 leaving iraq

    n u dont have to be scared  

  11. No, you should vote for the better candidate Barack Obama.

  12. The trouble with being religious is that one often confuses God's will with one's own will.  People who believe strongly in God very often think that God wants whatever they want themselves.

    Now I believe in God too, what I have trouble with is doctrine, dogma, and the idea that only one religion is 'correct' and therefore entitles its believers to special rights and privileges.  But I have -serious- doubts that God would want us to fight a war that we can't win, that we can only spend a lot of money, kill a lot of people, do a lot of damage, but we can't prevail.  Why would God want that?  Didn't we learn this lesson in Vietnam?

  13. I prefer to stand my ground, this is my country, too.

  14. Sure blame it on God...... Bush lied soldiers died!!!

  15.   Of course...

      I'm in Canada and we've already hid.


  16. You mean you didn't run scared when she first was nominated?  Her first speech attempting to woo Hillary's peeved off women voters was the first and final straw for me.  She's just a pawn to peel off from Obama's female base.

  17. Some believe they have a direct line to God, I doubt it very much. Especially those who claim it.

  18. Ask Palin about running. She can run faster with her skirt up than McCain and his pants down.

  19. She was talking to a church gathering in Alaska. That is how an Alaskan politician would talk,to them, if she wished to remain popular.

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