
Palin says she can take it, she called Hillary a whiner. What do you say we give it to her good?

by  |  earlier

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How long with it take for her to scream sexism?




  1. Oh, the Democrats are shaking in their boots as evidenced by all the unjustified attacks. Lovin' it. Why don't you go ahead & give Palin all you've got, honey? Seems to me like she's woman enough to take it. Can Hillary say the same?

  2. She is a screamer. McCain will lose his temper and gag her, which would be a good move.

  3. well since I've been called a racist because I won't vote for Hussein Obama bin Biden, I am calling anyone who will not vote for McCain/Palin a sexist...thats only fair right??

  4. I think this is a manifestation of the liberal panic gripping our nation.

  5. You didn't listen to the whole thing.  She said women shouldn't play the victim  To be strong no matter what they throw at you.  I agree with her. The media will attack women and let Obama off scott free because they fear being labeled a racist.  

  6. h**l YEAH! I'LL GIVE IT TO HER ROUGH! She's so friggin' hot!

    McCain - Palin 2008 y'all!


  7. Source, please.

    Don't you people have any valid or verifiable criticism for Palin?

  8. Can we tie her up first?

  9. I think she may take loads of cream pies first!!!(<wink>)

  10. I'm finding it so much fun these last two days listening to the panic of the left and the democrats with their unwarranted attacks on Palin!! No one knew her a couple days ago and now all of a sudden the demo's and lefts seem to know everything there is about her! lol! As to your question she's stood up to some pretty big powers, Russia for one, I don't think you wimpy lefts are going to cause her to much sweat!

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