
Palin says that Iraq war is task from God?

by  |  earlier

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I nearly fell off my chair and choked on a pretzel, this is "not" a hoax.






    Copy this URL and put it in all your posts so America can see what a psycho McCain picked for us.

  2. Shave her head to make sure that there aren't 3 sixes on her scalp.

  3. If you keep repeating this, you will encourage bible-thumping neocons to vote for her...

  4. Unbelivable!!! This is going to be fun!!

  5. They say she is an expert shot - too bad she always aims at her foot. Good night, Chet  this one's decided.

  6. I read that. I think she is either crazy or just doing the politician thing, and saying whatever is the best thing for the moment.

    hacke67 Ha Ha Ha

    Who is that in the background with the shlitz and the cig? Is he over 21?

  7. Can’t we just have the elections today and get over it. Obama won, let’s face it. Palin is embarrassment to us.

  8. well if you think about what that question you asked really means then it makes sense to me, yeah i think it was, the Kurds in northern Iraq sure are glad the americans came in and got rid of saddam, they called it a gift from God, 300,000 kurds in northern iraq were slaughtered by saddam, that was reason enough in my opinion to intervene. any time any country is in trouble think about it whose help do they always ask for? america that is who, people in Iraq have the right to vote, and can walk the streets more safely in more areas of the country than they could under saddam. my husband is military so i know of what i speak, i totally agree with Palin, shes been there so she knows.

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