
Palin supporters call he a "rock star." Will she be a celebrity like Brittany Spears or Paris Hilton?

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sorry I confused some of you by leaving the r off her




  1. Actually, you have the spin wrong.  We don't call him a 'rock star.'  We call him YOUR 'rock star.'  

    And your grammar SUCKS!!  You must have been in school during the Clinton administration.

  2. Golda Meir

  3. what a lie.  try B Hussein Obama as the rock star.  Michelle is an angry black panther

  4. More like Jenna Jameson

  5. they called "he" a rock star?????Your kidding

  6. obamas famous for being famous so hes more like paris hilton he has no real accomplishments other than a few speeches and a book paris also wrote an autobiography just like obama did all abt themselves and how great they are

  7. No, it's the godless liberal rock stars like britany and paris that bring our country down a notch. Need more celebrity? Show your cooch. Sickening!

    I bet Paris' dad is turning over in his grave. That sleazy airhead had every oportunity to make something of herself too!

    Sarah Palin reminds me more of Teddy Roosevelt.

  8. Just another example on how libs/demos like to smear and keep women down.  thanks for the two points.

  9. she reminds me of Margaret Thacter

  10. LOL!!!

    Rob, sure looks like that's what they're looking for.  Imagine Cindy and Sarah performing a cover of RESPECT:  ...what you want? baby I got it! what you need? you know I got it!

    Sock it to me!

  11. Call "he". I will give you a pass, perhaps English is not your first langauge.

  12. Yeah, last week wasn't being a celebrity a bad thing?

    Oh yeah, only for the other guy.

  13. Wtf?

  14. Your rock satr obama cannot carry a tune, but he had a g*y lover.

  15. Her daughter is like Britney's little sis, Jaime (an unwed mother at age 16), so yes.

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