
Palin the "Pit Bull" ... is the best she can offer is KIBBLES & BITS?

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Palin the "Pit Bull" ... is the best she can offer is KIBBLES & BITS?




  1. Nice try - the truly well educated look beyond all of these meaningless comments.  It is hard for many to accept what was placed before you and the world last night.  Many have been deceived by The Master of Illusion.  The boldest, and brightest will now swallow their pride, and make the right choice.  MCCAIN/PALIN 2008.  Take some time to think about this fact.  Have the very best day!

  2. my jaw hit the floor when she pulled out that "joke".  all that's missing is the trailer.  ahhh i can hear the banjos playin' now.  

  3. Let the silly attacks continue. The Republican troops are rallying and politically encircling the liberal jackazz media and Obama's silent hand in the vicious personal attacks against Palin.

  4. you are a strange duck

    you sound like a bitter Democrat who sees obama losing/

    don't worry..obama won't die from shame..but Mitchell will be  

  5. I was looking for something of substance in Plain speech but all we got was the same old talking point and rhetoric we see here on YA every day .Palin was  lien about her record she use a lot of sarcasm and smearing of Obama for the duration of her speech that might get the conservatives excited but it didn't sway any independent or Hillary Clinton voter's .

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  6. joe biden is gonna tear her down at every level in the debates.

  7. I have a muzzle if McCain ever needs it.

  8. Is that the best you can do?

    Bye bye liberals!!!!!  You've been taken on by someone who is on top of everything!!!!!

  9. That doesn't even make sense.  If you hate a person like Sarah Palin you must hate America.  She personifies American women.  She is strong, successful and very tough.  What's not to like?


  10. YES - that's the best the hockey mom has to offer.....pitiful!

  11. Palin isn't a pit bull. Palin is a joke.  People keeps talking about her kids,the P.A., and about her being a soccer mom.  I mean who gives a f*** when it costs $60.00 to fill up my gas tank. And more and more american soilders are dying for a senseless war.  I mean come on people.  I'm a feminist but I don't want some woman in charge if she stands for the wrong thing. Mcain stands for the wrong thing. They're nothing but an extension of bush.

  12. She's a pitbull???? LOL...the kibbles and bits is funny!!

  13. After Jesse Jackson finshed whacking away at Hussein, he could use some of those kibbles and bit.

  14. She has more to offer than empty suit B. Hussaine Obama

  15. Her nickname is "BARACUDA" ... NOT Pit Bull

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