
Palin to be a Grandmother ? hmmm?

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Really? A mother of 5, the youngest, barely 5 months old would like to be VP of our country? and she can't even keep her own 17 year old from getting pregnant???

Hmm.... I wonder what other kinds of blunders we could expect from this woman who is so willing to drop her family and their needs for her own political aspirations when McCain dies from skin cancer (back for the 5th time, might actually kill him you know) and she becomes the first woman president.




  1. It was common for people to get married at 17 and 18 as recent as 30 years ago. An old maid was somebody that didn't get married before 25 years old.  Palin's family faces issues people can relate to.  Obama and Biden live in fantasy books where Micheal Moore feeds them his own reality.

  2. Stop blaming the schools! It is a parents' job to raise and educate their children in worldly matters not the school's job. Maybe she was so busy spouting of her uptight Republican no to g**s, everyone go out and buy a gun and no to a woman's choice BS she neglected her own family!

  3. It is entirely Palin's fault.

    She admits to it and says she is proud:

  4. Do you have any children?  Do you keep them tied or caged so you can control their every movement?  What do you do if they do something you don't approve?  Beat them with a bullwhip?  Young Miss Palin apparently made a wrong decision and is going to live with the consequences.  How many adults are so mature?  Remember Teddy (Chappaquidick) Kennedy?

  5. Pathetic.  It was the daughters choice (pro-choice, remember?) to have unprotected s*x, it is her daughter's choice (again, pro-choice) to accept the responsibility for her actions.  I'm sure Governor Palin would have chosen for her daughter not to be pregnant, but she's not the father of the baby, either.

    Perhaps it's the school system's fault.  You know, they do teach s*x-education in schools, but of course they're wrong if they say abstinence is a 100% effective way of avoiding pregnancy.

    EDIT-  The only people I've blamed is Governor Palin's daughter and her boyfriend.  Saying PERHAPS it was the schools fault is just another way to deflect blame from where it truly belongs, just like some people on here blaming Governor Palin.

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