
Palin was a Former Mayor; Former Chairman, Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission ?

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And is currently a governor

How is she inexperience?

Shes far more experienced than Obama




  1. she did not put posters up on telephone post like Obama.

    so, no experience.

  2. ya, the Betty Boop of the White-house politics, yipppeee~!

  3. She also raised taxes on oil companies.  Republicans are against raising taxes.  Except when their for it..

  4. Yes, and Obama wants to be a President...

    @stampcol.. Some Obama's supporters have no respect, you are a shame for your country. Where is your compassion ?

    Obama : lies, inexperience, elitism, flip flop, racist, hide-misery, and lobby....

  5. she more experienced and shes only the republican vp pick, its kinda sad to see liberals grasping at straws by saying that our vp pick is less, experienced then their presidential pick, when in fact shes more experienced lol

  6. *currently under investigation for abuses of power

  7. How is being a chairman of an OIL COMPANY more experience than community service? How is being a mayor more experience than being a State Senator?

  8. Furthermore, these positions show she has experience in leading. Obama is a scripted, empty suit. bring on the debates!  

  9. She is only a little more qualified than Obama to be President. Good thing she is running for VP.

    And there is absolutely NO evidence at all she abused her power. There is a mountain of evidence against Carolyn McCarthy, but I guess she is a liberal so there wont be an investigation.

  10. Didn't she RESIGN from AOGCC because of fellow Republican "ethical deficiencies"?

  11. just what we need, another oil executive brown-noser with oil and anal juice dripping off her nose~!

    i can just imagine all you rightwing-nut nerds tounge -lashing with slobber all over your TV screens and monitors, y'all dont know what a hot woman looks like even if she was sitting right on your face~!

  12. She is as unqualified to be president as Obamba is. I don't like any of them, so I will probably vote for the Libertarian or COnservative party candidate.

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