
Palin was having her baby at the same time her daughter was working on making one.?

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I wonder what the"Social Conservatives" think of that scenario?




  1. Why do you feel the need to bash her family? What's wrong with you? Even your messiah thought that bashing her family was low. Are you scared to face the issues cause you are on the losing side of them every time? Is bashing the daughter of the VP nominee the best way to advance your own political agenda? You people are really fishing around in the gutter, aren't you?

  2. Not sure... But as Obama said...

    "Let me be as clear as possible, I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as governor or her potential performance as a vice president...How a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn't be the topic of our politics, and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that's off-limits"

    Don't take this as a pounce, in thinking about it I have to wonder if Panlin had to question her anti-abortion stance... I can't help but wonder about this....


    "&" I thumb downed your responce, just because someone supports Obama for President... It does not mean that he is their messiah... McCain and his followers are fishing around in the gutter on this one... the name that is ment for Jesus Chirst should not be used to tarnish the image of a good man...

  3. they don't think about it; it's in bad taste

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