
Palm Treo 650 or 700w?

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Alright, so I'm tentatively planning on buying a palm treo and there are two very good deals on ebay for them with only about a $25 difference between a 650 and 700w.

So I was thinking the 700w was a great deal, but after reading a few reviews (including CNET's, who ranked the 650 ABOVE the 700w) I was starting to wonder which one I should get.

I will NOT be purchasing a data plan or getting on the internet.

Any suggestions on which to get?




  1. I have the Palm Treo 650. I think it really is much better than the 700, which is supposed to be the updated version of the 650/680. Don't say you won't get on the internet or would purchase a data plan because once you see what these phones will do, then I would be willing to bet you will!

    The internet plan is not that bad and it's for unlimited access too!

    The 650 has bigger buttons and I think is easier to use. 45 minutes to set it up and you'll be a pro!

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