
Palm centro question???

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Ok well one day I just turned my phone off (not completely turn it off, I just made the screen go off) and a couple hours later it wouldnt come back on. I tried charging it, taking out the battery, and blowing on the battery to make sure all the dust is out.

What else could I do???

Also, I may have dropped it and that may be why but I've dropped it many times before and it never did anything.

SO please someone help me!!!

Do I have to go to the at&t store??




  1. I sell phones and I reccomend you take it back where you got it to possibly get repaired or looked at or swaped. You might of dropped it before and nothing has happened but a wire must of let loose the last time you droped it and finally disconnected inside the phone (do not reccomend you taking apart urself if you don't know what you are doing). So yah just take it back to get looked at and maby it might be somthing simple.

  2. If it still doesn't work, and what you've already tried doesn't work, I'd call your provider or the place you bought it from and get a refund or a replacement. AT+T will mail you one really fast (like 2 days, it'll be there) and you just put your broken one in the box and send it back. You get what you want with their customer service. Or yeah, you can take it to the store instead of calling.

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