
Palm tattoos and Foot tats.?

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible that with the advancement of technology, that it will be possible in the future to get a tattoo on the palm of your hand or the bottom of your foot. Since its nearly impossible to have a clear tattoo in this area with all the skin sheding and irratation it gets on the daily basis, do you think they will come up with something. My mind has been set on getting this word tattooed on the my palm for so long,,, should i just give up and get it tattooed somewhere else?




  1. Although anything is possible, i dont see this happening in our lifetime. i think you should just give up and put your tat somewhere else.  

  2. It is possible to get it done now, it just doesn't look good for a long time for the reasons you already stated. If you want it bad enough you could get it and then every so often get it redone if you really really want it there.  It is impossible to say what they will come out with.  I would imagine that no matter what they come up with the palms and bottom of feet are still going to remain hard to keep a good looking tattoo on because of the abuse they go thru. Just use google images and put in palm tattoo, I am sure you will find loads of them.  If you don't want to continuously have it touched up, I would suggest getting it somewhere else. Good Luck

  3. having plain text tattooed on your hand is possible now... find a tattoo artist who uses pneumatic tattoo machines... they seem to work better for tricky spots as they can be pushed a little harder without damaging the skin... its still going to take a few applications... and just a word of advice.... the simpler you keep your design, the better itll look over time.

  4. I've seen tattoos on palms and soles that look OK but I've heard they don't last long.

    Here are some pics:

  5. the only problem is you have to get them retouched about twice

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