
Palmeston North?

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Why do so many people hate this town? (ay wabby?) I think it's quite a pretty little town. WHat do you think




  1. It is quite some time since I have been there but I thought it was very flat and it didn't make any impression on me except to remember it as uninteresting. Same with Christchurch. And Melbourne. I personally don't like flat places. I think Wellington on a good day is hard to beat. Then again, although Auckland has plenty of hills, I have never liked it so I suppose it's a combination of things that make a person love or hate a place.  Tasmania for example people say it has beautiful scenery. I lived there for four years and hated it. Even though Launceston was  very beautiful I suppose, there were other factors that made me unable to appreciate or even see any beauty there.

  2. Its in the north island..need I say more
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