
Palmetto Bugs and Ants.... How the heck can I get rid of these things!!!!!!!!!!?

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Let me start by saying that I live in South Florida.... We just bought a home.... and we werent aware that we bought Palmetto bugs and ants to go with it. These ants look like sugar ants but they BITE!?!! Then I noticed that when the floor got wet these big black ants came out and like all seemed to be attracted to the water? I'm loosing my mind because I have two small children and one due in July, and I cant live like this! We have been here a month and I have tried sprays, traps, ant stuff! Nothing is helping!

Any suggestions? Home remedies??




  1. Ok, go to old hardware stores, they might have some left over. Get DIAZanon liquid. Mix to directions. And spray around the base outside of house. No roaches for 6 months. I lived in Key Largo fla. for 20 years and never had a problem with ants or roaches. Diazanon really works. It is off the market I think. Thats why I say search. Or a professional company. But their expensive.Don't spray inside of house because of the kids. Good luck. I live in Thailand now and I don't have a problem.

  2. HI. I also live in south florida and have had to problem with the sugar ants in my room and in my car.... I dont know if you've tried it or not but theres liquid traps that work really well... Im not sure the name of them but they definatly worked for me! Good Luck!

  3. Idk if they're the same but livin in Tx and now GA what yall call "palmetto bugs" we call water bugs(so i've been told). they look like big cockroaches. If they're one in the same...they are attracted to water and will come up thru ur drains. From what I know...there's no way to get rid of em. Plug ur drains and if u see one, an all purpose cleaner w/ bleach will kill them almost instantly...or a shoe.

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