
Palpitations coming off xanax?

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i've always had minor palpitations, but since i've tried coming off my xanax (2 days ago) i've felt bad. today, i had strong palpitations. could the xanax be the cause?




  1. About 5 years ago, I was also on Xanax. While taking it, I was also taking Lexapro, an anti-depressant. I noticed that coming off of the Lexapro that I was VERY dizzy (not so much that I was coming off of it, as it was that I ran out of pills and was having horrible dizzy spells). I also noticed that I the heart palpations that I would have from time to time were more pronounced after taking Xanax. However, I do need to ask you this...since Xanax is a controlled substance, and you have to take it and come off of the medication in tapered increments, were you told by your doctor to take less Xanax, or was this something that you did on your own? If it was on your own doing, then perhaps you're having the palpatations because your body is adjusting to less Xanax ( just a guess there). Either way, if you are coming off of it on your own or by physicians orders, I would contact your doctor to make sure that there isn't another underlying source of the palpatations.

    Best of luck to you!

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