
Paltalk keep's harasing me

by  |  earlier

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When i check my e-mails regualy i keep getting e-mails from Paltalk saying about celebs coming to the site. I didn't even sign up for the c**p site. I email them back to stop the emailing me and they don't listten. What can i do?? There realy starting to p**s me off!!




  1. Most mail servers will now allow you to block all mail from a particular domain.  Add the domain to your junk list and all mail from them will wind up in the bin.

    I found out to my cost that responding to junk confirms that the e-mail address is live, and you get more not less.  Junk it immediately never respond and let your isp sort the wheat from the chaff.

  2. Sent the same thing bk 2 them wit a different web that is like cbbs or somin,

    or sent them a virus ,

    luck x

  3. Tell them that I will be calling round in person to have a Quiet word in their ear.

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