
Panama Canal on the history channel?

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Can someone give me a review about this episode or a web site with some refferances. Thank you




  1. Sure... it only took TWO HOURS OF VIDEO... so distilling that down so your simple mind can understand it is:

    Big fellow man him dig big fellow hole in country him name Panama.

    Watch the documentary or READ any of the books about the building of the Panama Canal

  2. Hi there!  The episode reviews the time when control of the canal was officially handed over to Panama from the United States.  

    I've included the link below for more detailed information.

    Very interesting!  :)

  3. Sure... it only took TWO HOURS OF VIDEO... so distilling that down so your simple mind can understand it is:

    Big fellow man him dig big fellow hole in country him name Panama.

    Watch the documentary or READ any of the books about the building of the Panama Canal...

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