
Panama Independance Day?

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When? How is it Celebrated..and ideas/thought are appreciated!




  1. Panama received independence (from Spain) on November 28th. Independence day in Panama is celebrated much like anywhere else in the Americas, with a huge Parade and parties. Panama has three Independence Days, all in November.

    Nov. 3 celebrates independence from Colombia, the day, in 1904, when Panama declared independence and the U.S. immediately recognized Panama and stationed warships off the coast to dissuade Colombia from trying to retain possession of the isthmus.

    Nov 10th is when  La Grita is celebrated. La Grita celebration is about when the city of Los Santos declared independence from Spain before the rest of the country had decided to do it.

    Nov. 28 is official Independence from Spain, when Panama declared independence from Spain and then later decided to remain part of Colombia. Panamanians celebrate all of these holidays with big parades, since Panamanians love parades.

  2. We have two Independece...

    The First one is From Spain on November 28..We jsut have the Firefighters and other agencies march in certain part of the city and schools and busineess have a holiday...

    Early in The morning like a 3 or 4 we have las Dianas...People with band instruments play their tunes as a celebration..

    The second one is cosidered the biggest..It is Independece from La Gran COlombia...November 3.  It is pretty much the same as above but at a bigger proportion, school bands march through the cities and It is a Long holiday because The 4th is Flag day and The 2 the day of the Death..Some people add the 1st, childrens day and the 5, the scream of idependece I believe in other cities.  At night people go to parties, sometimes drink and so on...

    For Schools is a Nice Big even..they wait the whole year for their bands to march And the Dianas ware pretty cool..I used to loved waiking to the sound of the bands at 3 and 4 in the morning..sound like not cool, but trust me it is cool.

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