
Panama problems?

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I was asked by a teacher of mine if I wanted to spend the summer in Panama with a host family. I think it'd be a good idea.

I have a bunch of worries though -

1) I barely speak any spanish, two years of it.

2) what if my spanish family doesn't speak any english, at all??

3) I dont want to feel alone in a different country.

4) What if they take some of my gestures as rude, I really don't know how it is like down there.

5) Is Paraguay better?

I guess my main worry is living alone with a host family, I wonder if there is some kind of way I can get someone - not from my home country, US - to live with me there too?

leave any suggestions! please!




  1. Panama has a large community of American, Canadian and British expatriates living in the country. There is always English language programming available. While most families speak spanish, I am sure if you are placed with a host family you will be placed with one that knows some English. Before your trip you should try to brushup on your Spanish to show courtesy.

    Panama is modern country and is going through a Golden Age of economic investements. You should try contacting the Panamanian embassy in your country to see if they can provide you some cultural info on.

    Paraguay is far less developed than Panama and many people speak Guarani only conrtibuting to more confusion. I would stick to Panama if I were you. Paraguay is isolated when it comes to air transportation and you will have to connect in Brazil, Argentina or Chile to get there. Furthermore, it is most likely you will need a visa even for three months of summer whereas in Panama you won't likely need one.

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