
Panama women?

by Guest32532  |  earlier

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Do you know any characteristics about them or sayings? What is their typical lifestyle? Give me detail....Thanks!!!!

I know one that I want to date in college and she use to live there but now is in the US, but she seems to have some mystery to her that she does not tell me (she says she had a bad past and she tries to remove it from her mind), and I'm thinking it could've been from her experience living there.

I have no idea about Panama and the typical lifestyle of its women so your help will be greatly appreciated.




  1. Please permit me,    young entrepreneur, to answer this question for you.

    Most women will not talk about their previous life styles nor their ex husbands or boyfriends.

    You must keep in mind that you have to respect her decision and not to force her to tell you anything. Remember if she doesn't want to tell you, then she must have an excellent reason.

  2. They tend to be educated and with very nice manners. I used to have a girlfriend from Panama. She was also very attractive lady. Dressed nicely and in style. A fun person.

  3. Most of the women from Panama are down to earth. You will have to understand that although some of them are poor they make it up in other areas such as being a dear friend.

    Do not close the door.   Alwats keep it maintained opened at all times because one day she will need some help and you will have to be there for her.

  4. Panama women are about the same than in any other modern country and you are going to find the whole spectrum (just like in USA).

    In your case, if she doesn't want to tell you what is in her past, then let it be. When she feels is the right time she will tell you NOT before. If not knowing her past makes your relationship difficult then YOU decide if you want to keep going or not and tell her if you decide to leave because of it.

    As for Panama lifestyles again these are the same as in any cosmopolitan city but at the end, the lifestyle of your friend is "her own". Try to know her little by little, take what she gives you and time will tell.
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