
Panasonic Plasma TV - am I experiencing burn-in and can I fix it?

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I was watching the MLB all-star game last night (stupid me) on my Panasonic plasma and when I turned on my TV this evening, I noticed that there is a faint image of Fox's "scoreboard" at the top of my screen on every channel.

Is this burn-in?

Is this a serious issue?

How do I get rid of it?

When I change channels and the TV goes to a quick temporary grey screen, the scoreboard bar is very visible. But once it lands on the channel, it is very faint. But I can still see it there, and I'd like to get rid of it.

Please help!!




  1. It is likely burn-in, and it may not be permanent.  There are burn-in cures (do a Google search), and the set itself may employ techniques to eliminate it over time.  One cure that I heard of is to display an all-white screen for some time.  However, unless you have a test pattern source, that may be difficult.

    I found this useful article

  2. yes, it is burn in

    no u cant fix it

    and no its not too serious

  3. Most burn in is not as permanent as people say. One way to fix it is to let the TV run for 24 hrs straight on a channel that does not have any non moving ads, such as station IDs.

    I use my plasma as a PC monitor and have had no problems for two years. Also most plasmas have a built in screen saver feature which moves the pixels enough to prevent burn in. Check your menu for this feature.

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