I'm in recovery for bulimia. Had it for 6 years & as you can imagine it's taken it's toll. 3 months ago I was told if I didn't sort myself out I may not be here next year. So I got my test done & got myself into therapy. Unfortunately the damage is already done.
Last saturday I was walking home from a party & found I was having very strong heart palpitations, normally this fades when I do my breathing techniques (I suffer from anxiety attacks.) After an hour or so, I was still getting really bad chest pains, & suddenly it felt like I was being suffocated. I couldn't see. I felt blind. My left arm was shooting with pain & I collapsed on the floor, struggling to breathe. Luckily my friend was with me, but I persuaded him to not call an ambulance as i'm sure it was just a very very bad panic attack. But he's convinced it was more likely a mild heart attack. I go in for regular ECGs as i suffer from cardiac arrhythmia, so will it show up on my next one? I do have a very low blood pressure, & my heart is pretty weak (my legs pool with blood most of the time, & i'm on blood thinning tablets to prevent clotting)
I'd just like to know, should I assume it was merely a bad panic attack, or could it have been more? & what should I do if it happens again- The pain of it was like nothing i've felt before! :/