Years ago, I suffered from panic attacks extremely often- but they always heightened while traveling.
My husband is 30 years older than me, and prefers to relax while I drive.
So I KNOW what the major trigger was. I had been driving for less than a year when he bought a 40 foot long RV and had me drive from Alabama to West Virginia lol (he drove for the first hour, then handed over the wheel and the directions, talked to me for awhile then went to the bedroom).
I absolutely LOVED driving the RV, so my anxiety was recognized as such for a very long time. The longer I drove, the less real things seemed. I felt as if I was driving in my sleep with a dream being foremost in my vision and the road in the background. After awhile, my mouth started tingling. After that, I'd start to go limp and eventually fall asleep. I tried to combat that with Didrex (a diet drug) and caffeine. After that, I'd start having trouble breathing (like I had to yawn to get a full lung-full of air).
I had nothing but good experiences driving so I was very confused by what was going on.
Driving wasn't the only time I had trouble. Crowds were another biggie.
I go to religious conventions 3 times a year, varying from 1-3 days. 3 hours into the program, I'd have the same symptoms. I thought it was funny because one minute I was fine, the next I spoke to people as if I was drunk. My voice would slur, my body would slump. Eventually, I would fall asleep. But often I did so WHILE writing lol and the chicken scratch that resulted before I fell completely asleep was almost unreadable and a combination of what I was hearing and what I was dreaming about. Again, this was an activity I thoroughly enjoyed.
As the years went by, despite POSITIVE outcomes from all triggers (no fear or anxiety or accidents etc), my tolerance became shorter and shorter with episodes coming on faster and lasting longer.
My questions: Why the reaction to things I enjoyed doing? Is it normal to fall asleep during or after an episode?
I've been on Lexapro, Strattera and Provigil for several years now and those episodes very rarely occur any more. But I'm still confused by what caused them in the first place.
If you've read all this, lol, and have any experience or knowledge to share- I deeply appreciate it and thank you.