
Panic Attacks? What do I do to stop them?

by Guest57469  |  earlier

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Has anyone else ever suffered from panic attacks and if so, how did you manage to control them?




  1. take xanax it really helps

  2. The 'brown paper bag' method is supposed to help....

  3. Firstly you are talking about the fact you have a problem and that is the first step to controlling them so well done. I suffered from them and still do but iv been able to control them but its taken me a while to do that. When i had my first i didnt know what it was i thought i was having a heart attack and at 25 at the time it wasnt a heart attack lol. I went to see my doctor who was no help at first and gave me beta blockers thatjust made me feel like i was on anouther planet! In the end he gave me a very mild anti depresant that was for panick attacks after about 10 weeks i started to feel better and then started to learn how to control them so i could get of the tablets it took me a year to stop taking them but they helped. You need to talk to a doctor first and see what they say because everyone is diffarent, Talking to people about it i found a great help and was shocked at how many people do suffer from them but suffer in silence! The way i control mine is when i can feel on coming on i will get up and start to do something else such as hoovering, i was told once that your brain can only think of one thing at a time so by removing yourself from that situation and doing something else makes you think of something else and this is true and the attack usually goes, also you need to get to the bottom of why they have started it took me a while but found that they wernt asbad. I wouldnt wish panick attacks on anybody but you will get through it aslong as you go to your doctor and dont push the problem under the carpet. I wish you all the best in getting them undercontrol if i can do it anybody can Goodluck.

  4. see a doctor!

  5. Medication.  A benzodiazpean to make you relax along with an antidepressant to get your sertonin levels up.  In addition I also use relaxation MP3's I have on my computer.  

    Go see a psychiatrist.

  6. If you do not have enough money, you could take drugs, like alcohol or crack, to feel better and many do. But that does not cure it. The cure is to make more money. If you are depressed, the cure is not to take a drug, like Prozac. The cure is to be happier. If you have panic or anxiety, which everyone feels at one time or another, the cure is not to take drugs. The cure is to feel more tranquility, calmness and peace of mind. See site below for more on this.

    Kevin Trudeau says in his best selling book, Natural Cures They Do Not Want You to Know About, "All illnesses and diseases are caused by the same things; (1) too many toxins in the body; (2) nutritionally deficiencies; (3) electromagnetic chaos exposure; (4) mental and/or emotional distress." "The most effective way to cure and prevent disease is by getting the toxins out." "One very powerful cleanse is, of course, fasting." "Drugs only suppress symptoms, and they cause disease because they are toxic." In More Natural Cures Revealed, Kevin Trudeau says "The facts are clear, drugs, both prescription and non-prescription, do not make you healthier, they make you sicker. Drug companies are not interested in your health. Drug companies only want you to buy and use more drugs. If you want to cure yourself of any disease you have and remain healthy, you must eliminate all non-prescription and prescription drugs."

  7. I get them all the time, what sort of panic attact do you get? explain more

  8. Step 1: Ask yourself what triggered the attack.

    Step 2: Can you control the trigger? If yes, control it and calm down. If not, realize it is out of your control and calm down.

    This is the best way to handle any situation that is triggered by stress, anxiety, or even fear. Talk to yourself, calm yourself down, convince yourself that it's nothing to get worked up over...and if you can control the cause, control the cause.  

  9. Yes, for 3 years now.

    I took some therapy - its very effective.

    Avoided panic inducing situations when possible.

    And most effectively, though many will disagree, medication really helps.

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