I've been having these panick attacks from April of this year!!! Untill the end of May they were attacks during which I had increased heartbeat, chest pains, breathed very fast and heavyly. Sometimes it got so bad I had to take a pill (Anaprilin) which regulated the heartbeat and the blood preasure (it would go up too during those attacks).
2 months ago it all disappeared untill about 3 weeks ago but now it doesn't get as bad, but still bothers me!!! I dont have the crazy fast heartbeat and the chest pains, but still i get this feeling of heavyness on my chest and breathe a little harder sometimes, and I get this aweful sense of fear that the attacks will start happening again. I havnt seen a doctor yet but a friend of mine who is neurologist said its psycological thing and I should have some sort of therapy!!! is there any type of medicine I could take to get rid of this horrible feeling??
What should I do?