
Panic attacks and exersize!?

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hi this might sound stupid but i am 19 yrs old and have panic attacks but i have recently started going to the gym! my panic attacks are caused by me thinking i am going to have a heart attack! i am now scared to run on the tredmill or do anything that will get my heart racing incase something happens to me! i am really scared by this! i was just wondering if anyone knew how i could lose my 2 stone fast without being scared!




  1. Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) causes your Serotonin production to be low; when your Serotonin level is low, you are more prone to getting Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, etc.

    Medication like Antidepressants (SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) helps to boost Serotonin level.

    But there are natural ways to do it without medication. There's this strange herb called "St John's Wort" - it is said to be more effective than Prozac. No, it is not for mild depression only and ignore those sayings. In fact, it does help anxiety and panic-attacks as St John's Wort works like prozac. Other natural ways will be exercise, diet, more exposure to light, etc.

    The problem is that, even if your Serotonin is balanced... you have that "learned behavior" in your mind. You need to break that initial cycle to destroy that learned behavior - Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) does this. A technique that you can use without CBT will be Distraction... There are several other techniques to help cope them!

    Ok, to use Distraction: Firstly, try to....

    Extracted from Source.

  2. As above, take it easy at first. On the plus side, regular exercise is great for anxiety disorder/panic attacks/mild depression, so if you can stick with it you will hopefully feel a lot better.

  3. it's when your heart stops you need to panic if it's racing its working well. keep an eye on heart rate on treadmill max is 220 minus your age.but be sensible and allow a little less as you get fitter hr. will come down

  4. start slower, don't rush it.  Start out walking then walk faster, then jog a bit.  if you have a treadmill at the gym, use it in flat mode first, then as you get used to that, gradually incline it.  you need to ease into this to avoid too much strain on your heart

  5. I certainly don't think it's stupid.

    I used to find that exercises helped me and found I didn't suffer from anxiety or panic attacks as much. I noticed a big difference. Exercise releases a feel good chemical (sorry, not sure of the name). I stuck on my IPOD and went for it (obviously don't over do it) and felt great afterwards, even with the aches from not using those muscles regular.

    However, if you are unsure I would recommend having a word with your doctor.

  6. How about you telling your GP about what your thinking.

    He can have your heart checked, so you will know there is nothing wrong.

    So then you could go to the gym without worrying and your panick attacks will stop and you will lose the weight!!

    Good Luck!

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