
Panic attacks/anxiety/fast heartbeat?

by Guest45484  |  earlier

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I've been smoking cigarettes for about 9 months now, and recently when I had a cigarette, my heartbeat just started racing, I felt like I was dieing and had all these problems. I used to get dizzy, and not think about it, but I smoked socially with people around me alot, and then I started smoking outside my house and I would sit there, and have nothing on my mind, and it just hit me I felt so weird and my pulse was so high, I told my parents, and they said its anxiety attacks which they had, and have at times. I quit already I haven't smoked a cigarrette for a month and I've been craving it so badly. Do you think its just me thinking about it when I smoke and making it happen? Or its happened but I've never noticed it. I just want to go back to smoking 2 cigarettes a day, do you think I'll ever be able to without the fast heartbeat and anxiety??

THanksss it means alot to me if someone could answer itt (=




  1. Well Smokings A Bad Thing But If You Feel Confortable With It Thats Fine By Me. I Think It May Accure Again Though The Fast Heartbeating..But If Your Worried About Your Health Talk To A Doctor.

    Hope I Helped! :)

  2. i don't think going back to cigarettes is the best idea. You should try to find out why you want to smoke a cigarette and concentrate on fixing that. You could try a new hobby to get your mind off of smoking cigarettes.

  3. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    There are free tips and free items on relaxation and such for you to download!

    All the best,


  4. Cigarettes do have chemicals in them which will raise your pulse rate.  If your parents have had anxiety attacks in the past, then you might have a tendency towards them. Cigarettes do not bring on anxiety attacks.  But, when your pulse rate goes up from smoking, your worrying (about the pulse rate, having an anxiety attack, or whatever) will bring on an anxiety attack.

    So, it is probably better for you not to smoke at all because it sounds like cigarettes are a trigger for you to have anxiety attacks.

  5. You need to seek out a Cardiologist.  Someone who can monitor your heart condition (if it is one) and follow your updates.  With fast heart beat, that could be a number of things.  And being dizzy on top of it, also the same thing.  One thing does come to mind, and that is a heart murmur.  A heart murmur can cause the heart to flickr a bit.  It can be detected by when someone listens to your heart.  Heart murmurs are usually harmless, but it depends on how severe it is.  Another thought is something called MVP- Mitrovalve Prolapse.  If you're having the rapid heart beat (and I've got it myself)... it could be MVP.  Sometimes the blood surrounding the heart doesn't flow within the mitrovalve the way it should, and can cause rapid heart beat.  However, I'm not a doctor... but I suggest seeing a specialist.

  6. i really dont think that the smoking is causing the attacks unless you feal like ur doing something wrong. i man smoking is bad for you, and i dont know much about it because i never smoked but i am an emt and i think that its just u feeling bad about doing it.

  7. Don't smoke man...horrible habit and there's nothing good about it. Ask your parents more questions about the attacks and do your own research. Just don't go back to smoking whatever you do..

  8. Ask your doctor. Yes he won't want you to smoke, but he will be honest. I suffer with severe panic attacks and anxiety. I've never had a doctor ask me if it gets worse if I smoked.

  9. You need to ask yourself why you are smoking, you're obviously not enjoying it if you feel like you are having a panic attack,

    Smoking, the inhalation of nicotine more precisely, activates the autonomic nervous system and the sympathetic fibres, mimicking the effects of a chemical neurotransmitter that causes electrical impulses to be sent to the heart, speeding it up.

    You need to listen to your body and carry on stopping smoking,

    i'm not one of those "i don't smoke and never will" people, i used to smoke - but if you are having problems after 9 months of smoking you need to ask yourself how bad will your health be after 20 + years of smoking?

  10. Panic attacks are your body's way of telling you to quit smoking.  Listen to your body.  

  11. You probably didnt notice it when you were smoking with ppl is becuz they distracted you, so if your craving a ciggarrette then only smoke around ppl, but if it gets worse stop

    But it is best tat you dont smoke

  12. When having a panic attack, put a paper bag over your head, so you start breathing in your own carbon dioxide which will stop you hyperventillating.

    P.S Make sure you are not smoking at the time.

  13. I think it has nothing to do with smoking. Go back to your cigarettes, but start out slow. Smoke until you get dizzy, then stop and wait for it to wear off, then do it again and again. Soon you will be able to smoke whole cigarettes without any problems.

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