
Panic buying of fuel.....?

by  |  earlier

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I think its unreasonable of people,to panic buy took 45 minutes of queuing yesterday at my local garage to get onto the forecourt....and i was only wanting a mars bar and a paper....




  1. Both my wife and I have special permits for when or if rationing takes place [essential workers] so it doesn't bother me at all.

    There is only a shortage at shell garages anyway, the panic buying is caused by press coverage.

  2. Then don't go to the gas station to buy chocolate bars and a news paper.. sheesh...

    People are idiots and always panic because of the media..

    Gas prices go up.. and you pay a couple bucks more to fill your tank.. it's not the end of the world.

  3. i went to sainsburys in manchester this morning and they had run out of unleaded petrol

  4. It's been thin on the ground down here in Cornwall,the places that have any have been queued right up.

    But I don't care,I ride a bicycle.

  5. My wife only found out about the strike when she went to buy petrol last evening (neither of us watch TV or buy newspapers). She tried several garages who had all run out but was able to get some..........

    at a Shell station!

  6. our local Shell Garage have run out - so once people see that you can understand an element of panic buying .

    BTW i Love the comment about going somewhere expensive

  7. Yes but people do that - always looking out for themselves irrespective of the impact it has on everyone else.

    P.S You must really loooove Mars Bars!

  8. I did my usual fill up yesterday and noticed no difference.

    Having said that like many if what we jokingly refer to as the government tells me not to panic i have a gut feeling that that is exactly what I should do

  9. Well people who do that are likely the same people who stocked up for th Y2K disaster which never occurred.  You will always have those who panic.  I suppose if you live in the middle of nowhere you would probably have reason to do so as well.

    Time for alternatives.  A horse would be nice! ;~)

    Could I buy a horse in the city and ride my kids to school?

  10. Yes I wish they would stop being so stupid, I had to queue for nearly 20 minutes for 5.4 litres of diesel.

  11. Here it is total panic, but I am alright my tank is full.

    ps My wife wants to go somewhere really expensive tonight; I am taking her to the local BP station.

  12. I haven't seen any panic buying in my area


  14. whats that saying... a person is clever, people are stupid.

    lol its not unreasonable people see the media and get worried if they choose to spend hours queueing to fill up 'just in case' its their life they are wasting but its still their choice. if they feel better knowing they've filled up and it stops them worrying then maybe it was worth it. its only shell thats not working for a few days, personally im quite happy to just buy as and when as before.

    i guess my main question is, having seen the queues why didnt you go somewhere else for your mars bar and a paper??

  15. At the over-inflated prices the petrol stations charge for Mars bars etc, plus the cost of running your car idle for 45 minutes waiting in the queue, you have about as much sense as the "panic buyers", surely most people would've stopped at a newsagents or corner shop instead!

  16. Lol, lots of people are doing it near my house. Nowhere is empty yet but it's fun to watch! A week ago they were complaining about the cost of it, now they're filling their tanks to the brim!


  17. Haven't seen panic buying of fuel in Australia although the higher prices are making the traffic congestion less of a problem... It sometimes took me 1hour 15 minutes to get to work 6 months ago. Now with the less cars on the road and leaving 30 minutes later it takes me 30 minutes... Heaps more ppl are taking public transport too around here.

  18. dont make much since you have to store it just right or it will go bad..... and really they would have to buy hundreds of gallons if not a thousands to save in thing by doing it

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