
Panic/depression and 31 weeks?

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I am 31 weeks, and all of a sudden I am feeling weird and panicy. I feel hot all the time and I am not sure if maybe I have a cold or what. I am getting really scared. I had the glucose test a few days ago and ever since then I feel weird. Anyone else experience anxiety while preg, should I be worried or just try to cope? I think now that I am getting closer I am getting really scared. Any words of wisdom?




  1. Im 31 weeks too and have been feeling the same way - anxious all the time. I am getting really nervous about brining home baby #4 and I do have lots of stress right now.

    Im trying to relax, drink lots of water, eat better and stay out of the hot summer heat. Naps seem to help too.

  2. The glucose test would not cause what you're experiencing. All that does is put sugar into your body for a brief time to see if you're breaking down the sugar at a good rate and whether or not you have gestational diabetes.

    It sounds like classic hormone stuff. I had the exact same experience when I weaned my last baby too quickly. The fluctuations in hormone levels can really wreak havoc on your moods and cause anxiety and even panic. Feeling hot is a normal part of the third trimester - plus, it IS August! It's also normal to be anxious about your baby and the upcoming delivery - very normal. But I can understand how scary it is.

    Talk to your OB about it if it's disrupting your sleep/life. Otherwise, just try to rest as much as you can and realize that your baby will be here soon. Pregnancy doesn't last forever!

  3. yes i know what u maen

  4. You're fine. What you are feeling and going through is completly normal. Have you read the Girlfriends guide to pregnancy? You can purchase it on Ebay for a couple of dollars. I bought that book from Barnes and Nobles and it is hilarious. It talks about things that your too embarrassed to ask your doctor.

    After I took the Glucose test I felt horribly sick. The nurse told me it was completly normal.

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