
Paper mail?Is it against the law to send Businees Reply envolopes back empty?

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Junk mail you get from business that keeps sending over and over again?




  1. No, it's not against the law. The businesses are the ones who sent it to you with a postage paid reply!

    However, I don't send mine back empty - I make sure to shred anything with personal information on it, and never send back the empty application forms for credit cards. BUT, I fold up nicely any generic accompanying material they have sent, as well as the envelope they sent it in.

    There is a little set of tracking numbers on the reply envelope, usually on the top back flap or at the bottom - I just rip that little piece out.

    I wish everyone would do this.

    I know of someone who just stuffs them full of whatever she happens to have around - just assorted junk.

  2. well, this is quite off topic however, if you don't put a return address on it, do you think they'll really go throught the forensic science to figure out where it came from? Don't l**k the envelope.

  3. It isn't against the law in Canada, I have no idea in other parts of the world.  All that happens, whomever sent you the junk mail pays the postage.  Because they send out thousands upon thousands of those solicitations, I can't be bothered even sending them back it's just a further waste of my time.

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