
Paper or Plastic...which do you prefer and why???

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Hello! I am writing an argument response paper for my English class and I am conducting a survey to see which bag is most used by people, which one is better and why. Or maybe you use your own bags...which one? Please...all responses are greatly appreciated!! My essay is due on Sunday at midnight.

I look forward to your responses...Mahalo in advance!!




  1. If I don't have my reusable bags with me (made from recycled plastic bottles), then I go for the plastic.  I have two dogs and a seven month old - those tiny trash bags come in handy!

  2. cardboard boxes. ...can be used for many jobs  

  3. I try to carry reusable bags for everything. But if I do happen to forget, I use paper.

    I avoid plastic bags as much as humanly possible. They don't biodegrade, they are made out of petroleum, (I think we have better uses for oil) and they are a huge litter problem. They are light weight so they don't carry much and they love to blow away. I've seen plastic bags in every place imaginable, forests, oceans, desserts, miles away from any civilization. They are bad for animals which can become entangled or eat them.  

  4. I use reusable canvas totes.  They hold more than paper, and have handles like plastic. I also use them to carry bulky stuff I need to carry around. ( garden cuttings, church pot luck dishes etc..) If you save the paper bags to reuse, it makes a home for bugs. They eat the glue. You then go to grab a bag, and bugs start running everywhere.  And what good are used paper grocery bags? You can't even use them for the trashcan because they get too wet. The only thing they are useful for is draining bacon on. The Plastic doesn't store well and get they holes in them to easily to reuse.  Plus my cat tries to eat them.

    It take the same amount of energy to produce a paper bag as it does to make plastic. So one is not more " green" than the other.

    I find the canvas bags more handy and more useful than either paper or plastic.

  5. I have been carrying around my own reusable shopping bags- so that I don;t need either!

  6. **** paper, plastic is easier to bag when you are at the grocery store.  i used to be a bagger when i first started working  at stop and shop and you have to bag paper a certain way.

    you can quote me in that

  7. ~~I have bought permanent shopping bags and bring my own to the stores. I figure it's one small thing I can do to make a difference. If I had to choose one I would choose paper as it is recyclable or at least it will decompose. Plastic is ruining the oceans and stay here forever. Those need to be banned!~~

  8.   Plastic because they are more versatile.  I mainly use them as "poo" bags when I walk my dog.  Where I live we have laws about picking up after your dog.

    Also use them as trash bags, lunch bags, ect..

  9. We have reusable bags that we almost always use. If for some reason we forgot to grab them or they're all full and we still have things to bag, we use paper. Plastic, if it gets outside, can kill plants and animals. Paper is compostable.  

  10. I use the plastic bags and then return them to Walmart to be recycled.

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