
Paper planes by MIA! what does it mean?

by Guest61124  |  earlier

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I know all the lyrics but what does it mean?




  1. get high like planes- getting high

    If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name- fake visas

    Sometimes I feel sitting on trains- selling pot on trains

    All I wanna do is (BANG BANG BANG BANG!)- Shoot 'em up (like drugs)

    And take your money- shes selling weed

    etc. Its basically all about drugs, weed, etc.

  2. lol i was just listening to that song, I'm not very sure but judging by the lyrics "i fly like paper get high like planes" makes me think it's about getting high & making money but thats just my opinion, I'm not very sure. I love that song though!

  3. Get high like planes makes reference to smoking pot.

    sitting on trains is a waste of time but she finds a way to make money. its political motivated. about making money anyway possible by killing or anything else.

  4. It's possible the "sittin on trains" lyric has to do with secret exchanges on subway trains, i.e. criminal activities, which is what the whole song seems to be about, e.g., getting high, making fake visas, robbing places at gunpoint, illegal discharge of automatic weapons, etc.  Considering it is on the soundtrack of a movie about potheads who are running from assassins/enforcers, go figure.  

  5. killin people taking their money, gettin high, what else is it that i dont know about

  6. "sticks and stones and weeds and bones"

    "get high like"

    its just another rap about the ghetto and drugs. sorry to disappoint you

    "all i gotta do is - - - - and i * $ and i take yo money"

    kinda explains itself

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