
Papers are Incomplete. Does that mean I can skip all the court stuff?

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Hello again. I just found out that I didn't sign some of the paperwork needed to have the papers that say I can't revoke the adoption go into effect. (Now I know why they kept asking for those papers every other day) Does this mean I can get my baby back without going all the court hearings and stuff? (Sorry I'm asking so many questions. It just somehow seems that you guys are more helpful than most of the attorneys I talked to.)




  1. Maybe, I'd try bluffing at first.  I know you don't have all the paperwork for a legal adoption b/c i'm holding the paperwork in my hand.  Now you have 48 hrs to give me back my baby or i am hiring a lawyer and going to my local tv station exposing your (agency or lawyer).  I will never stop fighting you and i will never go away until i get my baby back!

    Then i'd sit back and see how it plays out.  After your 48 hrs is over then you know, you'll have to hire a lawyer.  Honestly at this point, what could it hurt?

    Keeping you and your baby in my prayers.

  2. It will make your case a whole lot easier, but at one point there still was a legal adoption and under the law only a judge can undo an adoption.  You will still have to go to court.  As the birth mother you do have a lot of rights.  The best thing to do is see a social worker who is knowledgeable about the procedures in your State or better yet an advocacy group for mothers who want their children and have gotten their children back.  You'll have to find one on the internet or one in your community.  You may also wish to find another lawyer if you don't understand the one you have, he or she doesn't sound like she is on the ball.  He or she should have filed the papers by now, it's not that difficult.  They file for a hearing.  They know the law that is on your side and they cite that law to the judge.  There probably will also be an interview with social services, but if you aren't in jail and going ot school to better yourself or have a job, all you have to do is show that you can give your child a good home.  Not a better home, just a good home.  Sorry, but if you want your baby you will have to fight for the child by going to court.  File the papers so the hearing can be held.  If your attorney hasn't told you that much than he or she is not a good lawyer.  Good luck and it is good that you didn't sign the papers.

  3. You will still have to go to court hearings, but likely fewer of them since the most important papers weren't signed.  Make sure that you make your intentions known that you intend to get your baby back.

  4. You should be able to do that...

    But that kid was probably already sold...

    And they have no interests in giving back the money... so they will find some way of s******g you over.... after all it's what they do best.

    Adoption lawyers are not in it to help children there are there to get paid...

  5. If you didn't sign papers stating you reliquish your rights then you have a fighting chance to have your baby back but yes you will have to go through court with an attorney to fight it because they can try to prove you unfit and everything depending on how long you haven't had the baby with you.  But yes you do have a chance to get your baby back in the court if you didn't sign the reliquishment papers

  6. I think you still have to go through the courts, because the parents will fight. But because the paperwork is incomplete then you have a much better chance. Thats probably gonna be your way out. Good luck my dear

  7. No. If you did not sign all the paperwork, and wanted the child back, you should have done it from the very beginning.  Most courts will do whats best for the child.  And if your baby has been with the adopted parents and they have bonded for a while, the courts will most likely keep the child where they are at now.  No judge wants to uproot a baby and turn their lives upside down.

  8. Hi Camira,

    If you would like to raise your baby, do NOT give them papers saying you are relinquishing your parental rights!

    Very observant of you to notice that!  It sounds like you have a good case.  It might depend on what state you live in.  Don't waste any more time.  Let them know your intentions immediately.  Good luck.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

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