
Para los españoles que todavía vivís en España: What's it like now for Americans who want to live & work

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in Spain? I lived there a few years ago but couldn't find a company that would hire me as an American and, without a working visa, I was only allowed to stay there for 3 months at a time. I left Spain shortly after the election that caused the change in power from the PP to PSOE. But I heard that PSOE was going to try to change some of the immigration laws and maybe make it easier for Americans to live and work legally there? I'd appreciate any information anyone has on this. ¡ME ENCANTA ESPAÑA y algún día quiero volver!




  1. No se puede cambiar las leyes tanto porque estan en La Union Europeo y tienen una vista continental sobre temas de inmigracion.  Tenes que conseguir trabajo en una empresa y conseguir tu visa como siempre

  2. Hola, I do not agree with the previous answers. The issue is not so much about politics really but more about qualification and procedence. Immigration laws always were hard with certain immigrants while not with others. Being an American makes it  quite easy to work in Spain under the table, freelance and also to get a working permit etc. Americans are as most people generally welcome as tourists and also as workers specially if they have gone to a prestigious school. Also no one will ask you, an American, for your visa in the streets, unless you are of African descent and then there is slightly more problems because of the massive illegal in migration from there. Even then you can always play the American tourist and no one will bother you, I recommend you to get a normal tourist visa, if you even need one, and then once in Spain you can get a job. Changing the papers once you are working and have a job is not so difficult specially if you are Occidental. Vale la pena que lo intentes si de verdad te encanta.

    Trae tus diplomas si tienes y un curriculum en Español  pero si no tienes trabajar en bares, hoteles, en la construcción, en el campo u otros sitios es bastante fácil e inconspicuo además si eres Occidental. No es una question de racismo ni prejuicios sino que la inmigración de las pateras presenta otro tipo de problema. Puedes quizas encontrar más problemas por la politica actual de Bush que por ninguna otra razon, pero no nos gusta generalizar y sabemos diferenciar entre una persona y un systema político. Buena suerte y recuerdos


  3. The situation is still the same. I worked in the USA a few years ago and right now I think it's as difficult for you to come to Spain as it would be for me to go the States.

    Necesitas visado para entrar y permisos de trabajo...nada ha cambiado creo.

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