
Parable Of Talents...?

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Can anyone summarize it? about 5-10 sentences please. Whats the moral please include that




  1. The man traveling into a far country represents Christ,

    The special gifts of the Spirit are not the only talents represented in the parable. It includes all gifts and endowments, whether original or acquired, natural or spiritual. All are to be employed in Christ's service. In becoming His disciples, we surrender ourselves to Him with all that we are and have. These gifts He returns to us purified and ennobled, to be used for His glory in blessing our fellow men.

    The talents, however few, are to be put to use. The question that most concerns us is not, How much have I received? but, What am I doing with that which I have? The development of all our powers is the first duty we owe to God and to our fellow men. No one who is not growing daily in capability and usefulness is fulfilling the purpose

    Talents used are talents multiplied. Success is not the result of chance or of destiny; it is the outworking of God's own providence, the reward of faith and discretion, of virtue and persevering effort. The Lord desires us to use every gift we have; and if we do this, we shall have greater gifts to use.

    Many who excuse themselves from Christian effort plead their inability for the work. But did God make them so incapable? No, never. This inability has been produced by their own inactivity and perpetuated by their deliberate choice. Already, in their own characters, they are realizing the result of the sentence, "Take the talent from him." The continual misuse of their talents will effectually quench for them the Holy Spirit, which is the only light. The sentence, "Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness," sets Heaven's seal to the choice which they themselves have made for eternity.



  2. The tablets Matthew represents the gospel and what they did with it gaining souls ( interest ). The one who hid it was afraid of telling others of the gospel.

  3. It comes down to that God gives us things for us to be stewards over.  We are given gifts, talents (not like the money mentioned in the parable), etc.  What we do with them is important.

    We are to be a people about action.  We are to love, give, pray, feed, and live our faith.  What we are given, we are to do something with.  As one fellow put it concerning money, "With great wealth comes great responsibility."  

    Again, using the monetary example, a person can sit on the wealth they are blessed with and do nothing but hoard it for themselves, or they can do good with it (this is not to say that wealth is bad, or living well is a sin.  But, if that is all a person lives for...).  

    In the Christian life, we are given much, materially and spiritually.  What we do with it is a matter of obedience and faith.  To do nothing with what we have been given is selfish, really.

  4. It is a lesson on obedience and diligence.  You take it from there.

    Those who have been given much to look over and done well, more will be given to them.  Those who don't obey, even what they have will be taken away and given to someone else.

  5. God is pleased with us if we take that which we are given and apply it meaningfully toward kingdom goals.  If we do so, He will reward us for our efforts.


  6. The moral is that God has entrusted us with gifts. Some of us have many gifts and some few. He wants us to work with our gifts to produce fruit for Him. Those who do will be entrusted with even more and bless even more. Those who hide their talents will be in big trouble. This parable would definitely refute easy believism. The teaching that if you just have some mental knowledge and belief in Jesus you will be saved. Jesus used believe and obey interchangeably a lot. There is faith, we cannot earn salvation, but just to say you believe then show NO fruit very well may not be saving faith. This parable is another example of that. As a believer in the King, we must bear fruit for His name and His kingdom. If we don't the gifts we were given will be taken away.  

  7. The parables of the talents is a type of talent That God give a men to do something for him & the one that had 10 came back with 20 & the one that had 5 came back with 10 & the one that had one, did nothing with it, & came back with only one talent. Therefore The one talent man is like a lot of TV preachers today, they take one talent & only come back with one, & they don't even know what they are talking about, but the others that had more then one talent knew exactly how to understand God's word.

  8. If it's the parable I'm thinking of about the Master who fogave a slave of a debt and that slave later went and got mad at another slave that owed him; the first slave was later punished for not forging his fellow slave.

    Then the moral of the story is that just as God forgives us,we ought to be willing to forgive eachother for any debt or wrong that may have happened.

  9. Three people were given different amounts of money.   Two made more money for the master and one buried it.   The master was so happy with the ones who made more money he rewarded them.  The one that buried the money was where he got the money from to give to them.  Moral: take what you are given and use it to the best of your ability.  Don't bury your  talent in the ground or hide it.

  10. ok,  i explain to five people the true gospel of the bible,i know each one will tell other people , some tell  two people some tell five  these other people will tell others but one of my original five keeps it to himself and doesn't tell anybodyand that important message may have been the only way of getting the truth to YOU, but now you will  never know it ,the messengers are not important but the message is!

    i only know this by the love of christ for i have been blessed with the

    truth of the bible from reading it.

    let him that have ears hear

    let him that have eyes see,,                                                         this is why the master spoke in parables

    now you can figure out the moral for here is the truth!  the same message is in the parable of the sower

  11. It is not money that Jesus is refering to it is the word of God!  If you learn God's word from church and you never do a thing with it and keep it to yourself and don't tell other poeple or lay hands on the sick or cast out demons in Jesus name, then you are worthless.  God's word is of pure value, if you look at it correctly.  You need to spread God's word.

  12. A father gave his 3 sons each one talent (a unit of money, some say.)  One son buried his talent so that he wouldn't lose it, the other spent his talent, and the other invested his talent in some way.  Weeks passed, and the father asked each son what they did with their talents.  The first son had the same talent as before, the other had no talent at all because he had spent it all, and the last had more talents than he had to begin with because he had invested the one talent, made good use of it.  The moral of the story is that you should use your talent wisely, for the Father in Heaven has given each of us humans a "talent," and if we invest our talent in a wise venture then we shall have more talent than what we started with.

  13. Jesus gave his people talents.  They are instructed to occupy till he comes.  If they hide their talents and don't use them; He will take them away from them and give it to someone who will use them. The reason why the ones that used their talents were multiplied was because they weren't afraid to use them. As a result, Jesus made them rulers over many things. (The talents were money).  

  14. If God gives you smarts, skills, money, influence, and many many other blessings, and you don't use them to do good in this world, then you have been a bad steward of what he has given you.

    If you use them to do good in this world, then he will give you more insight, skills, money, influence, etc.  

    God doesn't give us these things only to make us happy.  Sure he does love to bless us, but he also requires us to put them to good use. If we don't then we have wasted what he has given us.  
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