
Paracetamol Overdose?

by Guest66214  |  earlier

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No i am not suicidal i'm just doing an essay on paracetamol overdoses. I was wondering if like seven packets (112) paracetamol tablets (500mg ea) would it kill you? I know it takes a few days to die, puking and becoming weaker (horrible way to die).




  1. would surely kill you from liver intoxication...but don't know for how long will you live after 112 tabs of paracetamol...depends on how good is your liver status anyway...but still, would end up dead..

  2. Yes, it would kill you. There was a case recently of a woman who took 16 and a half tablets over a 48 hour period. That is only a half tablet over the recommended dose.  She was a nurse and sought help, but it was too late.

    More dangerous is the taking of paracetamol with alcohol. People who may often have a couple of glasses of wine or a few beers cannot take any paracetamol. There have been many accidental deaths this way

  3. I would imagine that 112 tablets would be enough to kill you.  If you survived it is highly likely that you would have irreversible liver damage.

  4. What an overdose of paacetomol does is to poison your liver and other organs. That is why it can be termed a slow death.

  5. Yes, that much would be enough to be certain of liver failure in almost anybody, if it were all retained. And it might be days, or it might be months.

  6. yes

  7. yes it would kill you but in most cases your internal organs die and shut down slowly but that many tablets would kill you quick. 2 packets is enough to possibly kill you.
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