
Paracetamol side effects? (panadol)

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has anyone taken the classic panadol for pain relief (headache) and felt a little dizzy and light headed afterwards?

what side effects have you experienced, if any, when taking panadols? or you experienced no side effects?

should i be worried?

thanks all!




  1. Paracetamol is considered a non-dangerous drug for self medication. Overdoses and that is a massive dose of probably in excess of 20x500mg tablets at a time or over a very short period can lead to serious liver failure and death. The dose that you report taking is copmpletely safe under normal circumstances, but there are rare cases of personal intolerance with some individuals. This may be happening with you. intolerance can build up over atime of use of any medication.There are other mild painkillers on the market. Discuss this with your pharmacist who will be able to offer an alternative that agrees better with you.  

  2. Paracetamol is the same moleule as acetominophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol.  This molecule is not an anti-inflammatory drug.  It is an analgesic and anti-pyretic (decreases fever).  The most dangerous side effect is liver damage, usually seen in dosages that exceed 3 grams/24 hours.  This medication has little or no upper gastro-intestinal side effects and sometimes can cause renal failure in alcoholics.  This medication has no anti-coagulant effects and does not contribute to gastritis.  Many over-the-counter medications contain acetominophen in combination with other medication, such as decongestants, etc.

    There are, however, differences in side effects for each individual and the symptoms you feel may indeed be due to this medication.

  3. High dose usage of paracetamol may increase the risk of upper gastro intestinal complication....but for normal usage with normal dose it has no big side effects.  

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