
Paracetmeol and alcohol?

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What happens if I take paracetemol and then drink alcohol?

I have been told, by a friend, that taking both causes inebriation (being drunk) to occur quicker. Is this true?






  1. This is more likely to cause death to come quicker.

  2. Yes it does increase the effects of alcohol, due to the codeine in the tablets.Paracetamoll on it's own doesn't contain muchcodeinen alone, so it probably won't do much, compared to if you took panadol forte. (Stronger one).

    Hope I helped :)

  3. As a rule, it is a bad idea to mix alcohol with any other drug.  Alcohol affects everybody differently, and its effects can be difficult to predict, so chucking another drug into the mix is a recipe for confusion.  

    That being said, paracetemol is the drug tiny girls take when they have mild headaches.  Its effect on your system will be within a hand's reach of buggerall.  

    If you want to get drunk faster, give blood before drinking.  I guarantee you, you will not last two hours.  

    *DISCLAIMER - DO NOT take antibiotics and drink, because that WILL knacker your liver up at three times the rate alcohol abuse does.*

  4. It is considered safe for human use at recommended doses; however, acute overdose can cause potentially fatal liver damage. The risk is heightened by the use of alcohol. The number of accidental self-poisonings and suicides from paracetamol has grown in recent years.

    Taking alcohol and Paracetemol does NOT cause a heightened high. There is no codeine in it.


  5. Both of these - even to minor excess - taken separately can cause liver damage (and too many paras death!) but taken together is dangerous and is no way to try and get drunk on the cheap ! ! !

  6. it will rot your liver - if you do it constantly you will end up in trouble years down the line without even knowing it  

  7. it increases your chances of suffering irreversible liver damage if you took too much paracetamol

    it doesn't affect the time it will take for you to get drunk

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