
Parakeet / Budgie Question(s).?

by  |  earlier

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one. is a cage 17"x18"x19" big enough for a budgie?

two. could a cage that size be residence to two budgies?

three. what all do i need to have for these birds?

four. where is the cheapest place to find those things?





  1. That would be ok for a single budgie. i would get a little larger for two of them.

    A good thing to do before getting your new birds is read as much as you can online

    Go to google .com and enter budgie care

    also a search for this site


    some reason can not add links tonight  it has loads of good info as does

    for the birds other than cage you need several nice sized perches they should be different widths and materials I have used fruit branches from a local organic farm Also the ones you buy in the stores like real wood.

    Make sure there are several sizes and larger then their feet can go around in a couple so they can exercise their feet and legs

    Toys are nice

    smaller toys nothing too big

    If you plan in trying to hand train the bird No Mirrors as this can cause them to bond with the mirror and not you If you buy two it is also harder to get them tame

    Make sure to go to a good breeder for your bird not a pet shop Make sure to ask what they feed them You should have some millet to help train Birds NEVER turn down millet.

    food and water dishes extra ones are good so you can add seed and than add veggies chopped very fine mine like spinach dandelion leaves spring salad mix bean sprouts etc

    they do NOT Need Grit So NOT give them this some say they do but working as a vet tech i have seen more die from it.

    This list could go on if you like you can email me through my profile I can send more.

    Good luck and I think it is great you are educating yourself first.

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